The good, the bad, and the ugly: Real stories of office romances

"So it's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames?"

10 September, 2024
The good, the bad, and the ugly: Real stories of office romances

You know how an office romance can bring a spring in your steps as you look forward to be productive together. Of course, throw in being a little handsy here and there, and a lot of subtle flirting too. But the thing with office romances is that they are really hard to hide. I mean, you can cut the chemistry with a knife! Now this may get you into trouble, depending on your work culture and company policy, but it can also be a lot of fun. In fact, many people have met their significant others at work while some have been left with regrets about their office romance. 

So we read up on Reddit and found a thread wherein people shared their stories of office romances. These show a wide range of possibilities, in case you’re wondering about the most likely outcomes.


The good

“Seriously dated one of my coworkers. Unfortunately, we broke up due to not aligning with our long-term goals. We still work in the same unit and it's very sad. It's like going back to strangers from knowing everything about someone, and I see this person that I still very much care about, existing and living life but without each other. I wouldn't go so far as to say I wouldn't ever date a coworker, but tread carefully. I have no regrets and still have many good memories from the relationship.”—Ihy13

“In my previous job I had a really good friendship with my boss. Before I left I had to stay late to sort some work. He came up and proposed getting intimate once as a farewell. Had a blast, and never heard of him since.”—Cold-Drama8610

“Slept together once 9 months ago, now we just flirt daily and make eyes at each other during meetings. dont think there's any intention of ever hooking up again but having someone to flirt with, knowing they'll reciprocate, makes going into the office more fun! Lol”—lAmA-Little-Stitious•

“I was a cocktail waitress, he was one of the managers (we are the same age.) He had to resign once someone ratted us out. But we've been together 5 years now and are getting married this October. He's the love of my life and we've built a beautiful life together.”—Scary-Package-9351

“We had a casual relationship and took advantage of empty offices. I eventually moved and got a new job so we ended it. It was fun while it lasted.”—toootired2care

The bad

“We got married.., had kids... 17 years later he found a new coworker to sleep with while still living with me and our kids... continues with new coworker... 2 years after that we are divorcing.”—That_Bluebird2477

“In college, was working at a computer repair shop part time, slept with a co-worker
It was just a fling but he got WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too attached, started telling me who I could and couldn't hangout with, started bothering guys I was friends with on Facebook, it ended with me telling him that I wanted him out of my life, and he quit work and never spoke to me again.”—MidnightFireHuntress

“Disaster. I was the other woman. Didnot realise until much later. Broke it off then and there. Though over it now, but the whole thing makes me angry, sad and guilty. Wish I had the gumption to reveal it all to his wife.”—Silentobserver000

“At my first job when I was 21, a fresh graduate. He was very much older and took advantage of me when I was in a vulnerable situation. After a short time, I decided to end things because it just didn't feel right. He ended up becoming my stalker, which was terrifying but I didn't dare to tell anyone because I felt like I was to blame. It got to a point where it became too much that I quit my job. Still didn't stop him. I finally reached out to his manager at work who helped me put a stop to it. It's been years but I still look over my shoulder every once in a while out of fear that he'll still be lurking around.”—nightfishing89

“It was bad. He came on to me the third day after I started working there, was interested bc he was attractive as well. He got so obsessive and territorial, I was new so I was getting trained by another guy who is close to our age and I got along with him well, people started whispering in his ears and he got so jealous and tried to start a fight with him (ended it quickly and left the job as soon as possible.”—Civil-Marketing4281

Lead image: Pexels

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