India Today Mumbai Conclave
India Today Mumbai Conclave

Here’s how pillow fights can help increase intimacy with your partner

It's an underrated way for couples to bond.

15 November, 2023
Here’s how pillow fights can help increase intimacy with your partner

Not all fights with your partner need to be ugly or make you reconsider your choice. With good intentions and a bit of playfulness, fights can be fun, too. Not convinced? Consider pillow fighting. It's intimate, fun, and a little messy (but we can deal with that in the name of love). It is a great way to connect with your partner and foster trust among each other.

If you still don't believe us, here are a host of benefits of pillow fighting with your loved one. 

You stay fit: At the end of the day, it's a physical activity. Regular pillow fights help you stay active, improve your cardiovascular health, and boost metabolism, strength, and endurance levels. 

You feel calmer by the end of it: Remember, the goal of a pillow fight is not to hurt one another, but to create a connection and engage in some light-hearted activity that both of you enjoy. A playful fight leads to the release of endorphins that in turn make the person feel calm and relaxed. 

It builds trust: Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship and a pillow fight can be a great way to build that. Playing together creates moments where both of you can be vulnerable and learn to trust each other on a deeper level. 

Here’s how you can enhance the pillow fighting experience:

Set ground rules and boundaries: Partners need to be comfortable with each other before they can start being uninhibited with each other. Discuss how hard you can hit and the places you can and cannot hit to ensure that there is a sense of respect between the two. Remember, it’s easy for things to get intense and overwhelming, and at such a time, it's best to stop immediately and discuss why the person felt this way. You should be respectful of your partner as feelings like resentment and anger can creep in if they feel they are always being dominated. Not taking things personally is easier said than done. 

Arguments in a relationship are inevitable but how a couple puts their ego aside to turn the fight into a positive experience is necessary for their bond to be long-lasting. Throwing humour into the equation during a pillow fight is a great way to relieve the tension and distress. The happy memory will make you look forward to the next time you get into a pillow fight with them. 
