It’s time you made outercourse a part of your sex routine 

All roads don’t have to lead to intercourse...

It’s time you made outercourse a part of your sex routine 

If you’re wondering if outercourse is some new internet slang for some obscure, kinky sexual activity then you’re wrong. Ever enjoyed a hot make-out session? Outercourse. A naughty massage that hits all the spots and makes you moan with pleasure? Outercourse. Going down on your partner? Outercourse. Times they are a-changin’, and long gone are the days when penetrative sex is the destination to which all sexual acts lead. Many are realising that there is much fun (and pleasure!) in throwing the pressure of penetration (and climaxing from it) out the window and just doing what feels right, and good for you, and enjoying the ride. 

Scratching your head thinking what the term actually means? Read below to discover what is outercourse, if it’s the same as foreplay, and how to make the most of it to spice up your sex life. 

What is outercourse?

As the name suggests, any forms of non-penetrative sexual acts qualify as outercourse. The nitty-gritty of the term could vary—for some only penis in vagina counts as penetrative sex, while others include using sex toys, fingers, or even oral sex in the spectrum. But broadly, anything sexual you engage in that doesn’t involve penetration falls under the umbrella of outercourse.

Outercourse and foreplay—same same but different 

While technically they mean the same thing, foreplay, by the virtue of its name, implies that something is going to follow—penetrative sex. It indicates that these are activities that lead up to the main event. But as we know, penetration is not the be all and end all, and by renaming sexual acts outercourse, it implies that these are in and of themselves enough! There’s nothing that needs to come afterward.
Below, discover ways you can include outercourse in your routine. 

Give a sensual massage to each other 

We can’t think of anything better than a slow, sensual massage at the end of a long day. And when that massage leads to something more? Even better! Touch is one of the biggest senses to utilise in outercourse, so use this chance to truly explore and appreciate your partner’s body. Not to mention it can be extremely arousing for the both of you, and is a great time to pay attention to the erogenous parts that usually don’t get that much attention—lower stomach, inner thighs, and behind the ears. You can also experiment with different kinds of touch and pressure. 

Be a tease with mutual masturbation

Who said mutual masturbation is blah and boring? It is one of the safest ways (there’s less chances of contracting an STI) to get down and dirty in the bedroom. It is also a great idea if you want to experiment but aren’t willing to step too much out of your comfort zone yet. And the best part? You don’t have to restrict yourself to using just your hands—get your favourite sex toys in on the action too. 

Indulge in some oral sex

No penetrative sex doesn’t mean that good ol’ oral action is out of the picture. In fact, this is the perfect opportunity to brush your oral skills and have fun too. Our tips is that you take your time exploring your partner’s body by kissing, sucking and licking, instead of going right for the genitals. The anticipation and teasing will only make it more pleasurable!

Explore sensory play 

Apart from an erotic massage, there are plenty of other ways you can have fun with the senses and make the whole act quite naughty. From adding blindfolds into the the action, temperature play (using warm wax or cold ice), to something as simple as a sexy playlist, these will take your pleasure to the next level and increase intimacy. 
