Celebrity Chef Hemant Oberoi Shares His Easy-Peasy Comfort Food Recipe

Curry bowls that bring tears of nostalgia to your eyes or gooey, chocolatey muffins that touch the heart—the celebrity gourmand shares what he eats when he needs a culinary hug. 

19 November, 2020
Celebrity Chef Hemant Oberoi Shares His Easy-Peasy Comfort Food Recipe

Thai ladle bread omelette

Hemant Oberoi
Owner and Head Chef, 
Hemant Oberoi Restaurant

“I have always been very fond of omelettes. They’ve been my go-to comfort food since forever. I particularly like the Thai Ladle Bread Omelette for its distinct flavours, albeit, in a humble presentation. I love its spicy quotient, with Maca Root being the spotlight of the dish. It is a good recipe for everyone to try out, especially during the monsoon season.”

Thai ladle bread omelette

2 eggs, 10ml oil, 2gms chilli powder, 5gms chopped onions, 2 Thai chillies, few sprigs of cilantro, 10gms Thai curry paste, 10ml coconut milk, some Maca root leaves, 2 bread slices, some basil leaves, salt to taste.


Cut the bread into roundels. Line the insides of a ladle with them. Beat eggs with a whisk, add salt, chilli powder, chopped chillies, Maca root leaves and basil leaves. Heat the ladle and pour egg mixture on top of the bread. Cook on slow fire till the egg is firm. Meanwhile, cook the Thai curry paste with the coconut milk. De-mould the ladle onto the plate. Serve hot with the Thai curry emulsion.
