The Finest Salicylic Acid Serums for Clear, Spotless Skin

Try out these amazing salicylic acid face serums and keep premature skin ageing at bay (you’re welcome!). 

10 March, 2021
 The Finest Salicylic Acid Serums for Clear, Spotless Skin

Salicylic acid is an excellent chemical exfoliator that provides deep cleansing by softening and dissolving keratin, the protein that holds the skin cells together. It sloughs away dead skin cells and refines pores, removing impurities and excessive sebum. Encouraging cellular regeneration of the epidermis by supporting the formation of new skin cells, and increasing collagen growth, salicylic acid has anti-ageing benefits as it aids in reduction of dark spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. This gentle exfoliation property of this naturally occurring beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) makes it ideal for acne prone and oily skin types too. So, we bring you some of our choicest salicylic acid infused face serums that will ensure your skin is clear, oil-free, and glowing with health.


This cruelty-free, lightweight, and oil-free serum is gentle enough for everyday use and can be applied under foundation and concealer to help tackle blemishes as you go about your day.


Clinically proven to manage sebum production to keep your skin non-greasy for long durations, this oil-free and fast absorbing formula has added aloe vera extract that soothes inflammation and or any irritation associated with exfoliation to deliver supple skin that glows with hydration. Bonus: it is also fragrance-free.


Decreasing the appearance of enlarged pores, it smoothens out fine lines and wrinkles and revitalises skin thoroughly to make skin appear smoother and free from acne and pigmentation issues like acne scars, blemishes, and dark spots. Firming up skin and sans any harsh chemicals like artificial colour and fragrance, this multipurpose serum specialises in refining overall skin tone and texture. 


Powered by tea tree oil, liquorice extract, and salicylic acid, this serum is an expert at dealing with the multiple problems that plague acne and pimple prone skin. Packed with antimicrobial properties, it gently gets rid of clogged pores, blackheads, and whiteheads. This formula disinfects skin thoroughly to prevent further breakouts and combats uneven skin tone.
