What the Shape of Your Lips
Say About Your Personality


Your pucker holds clues to your personality

Goldilocks lips

Your lips are medium size, they are neither thick nor thin. You are known to be balanced in your relationships.

Naturally full top and bottom lips

You almost always put others before your personal needs. You also have a good circle of trustworthy friends.

Thin top and bottom lips

This lip shape indicates you are a loner. You aren’t as expressive or giving as someone with fuller lips.

Lips with a peaked cupid's bow

If you have lips with peaked cupid’s bow, it means you are a good communicator, quick-witted, and creative.

Lips with a rounded cupid's bow

Rounded cupid bow means you are kind and compassionate. You also make a good listener!

Lips with an undefined cupid's bow

You are an emotional person. You tend to be overly giving and be too much of a nurturer.