7 Types Of Friends Every Girl Needs In Her Life

They'll always have your back!

21 March, 2018
7 Types Of Friends Every Girl Needs In Her Life

1) The brutally honest friendThis is the friend that always tells you the truth, whether you like it or not. She is not afraid to tell you that dress looks horrible on you or you need to break up with that guy ASAP!

2) The 'work-wife' friendThis is your work bestie you can count on to complain, vent and make your work day a little bit better. From keeping your deepest, darkest work secrets to having the best lunch buddy, your work-wife is literally #workbestiegoals

3) The 'always ready to party' friendThis is the friend who is always ready for a good time! Drinks after work on a Tuesday? Sure why not?! Boozy brunch on Sunday, after a late night session on Saturday? She's your girl!

4) The 'rational' friendThis is the friend that always thinks rationally and knows the right from wrong. As much as you hate to admit it, you appreciate her strong and sensible judgement!

5) The 'always optimistic' friendThis is the friend who always looks at the glass half full. All those times when you were feeling super negative and low, your bestie was there to let you know that everything will be okay!

6) The 'hustler' friendThis is the friend who is so hard working and always on the go! Her passion and go-getter nature always inspires you to strive for greatness!

7) The 'motherly' friendThis is the friend you go to when you need serious, motherly advice (without calling your mom!). She will nurture and care for you whenever you need it most!
