Here's how to keep the spark in your relationship going by flirting with your partner

Flirt your way! And do it shamelessly.

15 June, 2024
Here's how to keep the spark in your relationship going by flirting with your partner

Flirting is an art—smart, subtle, and undeniably sexy. It's a form of communication that, when done well, can lead to smiles, laughter, and a whole lot of happiness, not to mention mind-blowing sex. But if you think that flirting is only reserved for the beginning, when you're getting to know someone, think again. Flirting after the initial sparks have died down is crucial to building a strong and fulfilling bond with your partner, ensuring that feelings of love and security continue to exist. Consistency is key to a long-lasting relationship, which is why the playful banter should never stop. We want the banter to continue forever.

Flirting with your long-term partner is a lot different than flirting with a stranger. Here are some handy tips to get you going.

Dress to impress

For your first few dates, you will surely dress to impress. But as time goes on, you start getting comfortable with your partner and stop making an effort, especially in the way you look. It's important to remember those little details—if you know your partner loves you in that red dress, take it out for a spin and look like the red-hot siren that you are. There's nothing better than seeing them admire you and shower you with flirty compliments.

Get all touchy and feely

Touch, for many couples, is a love language that expresses what words can't. It can be cuddly, sexual, or a mix of both. This form of physical flirting could include playfully grabbing their butt, caressing their thighs, massaging their shoulders, and/or surprising them with unexpected kisses. Long story short, waste no opportunity to hug, kiss, squeeze, and grab different parts of their body.

Text each other in the middle of the day, even raunchy ones 

Keeping a conversation going throughout the day is a subtle yet clear indication that they are thinking about you and that they want to talk to you. Checking in regularly and asking about their day is a great way to make your presence felt, even when you’re not around. 

Additionally, sending them a provocative text in the middle of the day is all the motivation you need to get done with work and get down and dirty with each other. If you’re bad at sexting, use emojis to convey your thoughts (we've got a guide for you here). Moreover, discussing and exploring new sexual experiences and fantasies can help spice up your sex life. Discuss the things you want to try out, where you want to try them, and what new fantasies you’d like to explore with your boo. 

Finally, leaving a cute note in places that your partner is sure to find them, is one of the cutest ways to remind them that they're always on your mind and brighten their day.

Talk about the early days and try to recreate them

It's fun and cute to reminisce about the early days when you both couldn't stop flirting and teasing each other. You can't go back in time, but you can certainly relive those romantic moments by recreating your first date or one of your early dates that was truly memorable. You could even roleplay as strangers and flirt like you did when you first got to know each other. 

Compliment them, both alone and in front of others

Remind your partner how cute, sexy, and smart you think they are every time they come to mind. It's a great way to remind you both why you love each other while giving them a boost of confidence. Don't forget to do this in front of other people as well. If they walk into a room, let the person next to you know how happy you are with your partner. Do it in a way that makes your partner feel loved and cherished rather than embarrassing either of you. 

When flirting, go beyond just their looks. Praise their dreams, goals, and ambitions, and show them that you appreciate everything about them, and not just their appearance. You are now their biggest cheerleader who wants to see them achieve everything they've set out to do. 

Always be happy to see them

Your smile and your eyes are the biggest giveaway. When you're talking to them, look into their eyes and you will instantly feel better about yourself. You’ll realise that you, your thoughts, emotions, and your feelings matter now because it brings a smile to someone’s face. 

The element of surprise

An expected date, gift, or weekend getaway is a great way to bring back the flirty essence of your relationship. This element of mystery will reignite the spark and let your partner know that you care about them. Even without the gestures, expressing your love when they least expect it is one of the most effective ways of flirting. What better way than a spontaneous kiss before leaving the house or while they're fast asleep? Unexpected kisses here and there are sure to make them blush!

Also read: How To Flirt With Any Guy

Also read: Here is why you should flirt throughout your relationship, not just in the beginning
