Engage in some self-reflection with these thought provoking questions

Feeling stuck and in a loop? These questions might help you get some clarity in life.

01 July, 2024
Engage in some self-reflection with these thought provoking questions

Living the hustle life often leaves us with very little time to self-reflect on our daily habits. As we go through the day, we are bombarded with feelings of doubt: “Is what I'm doing good enough?” or “Is my current job really what I want to do for the rest of my life?” The cycle of questions is practically unending. If you can relate to this, believe us you are not alone. Now don't get us wrong, asking yourself questions is not the only way to truly self-reflect, but the best way to do so (without giving yourself a headache) is to ask the right questions that won't send you into a spiral, that will in fact encourage you to reflect on your thoughts, habits, and decisions. 

So take some time out of your busy schedule and try to answer these questions, which can help get you out of your loop and make lasting changes.

Am I spending enough time every day practising something I enjoy?

Image credit: Pexels

It is crucial to understand the significance of doing at least a little bit of what you love every single day. It is important to ask yourself if you genuinely make time, even if it's for just a few minutes, for things that excite you and fill your heart with enthusiasm and joy. We understand that the mere thought of doing anything after an exhausting day at work can seem daunting. Just pick up the paintbrush or pen and dive into your world of creativity and endless happiness.

What are my core values and goals?

To be able to stay true to your core values and achieve your goals, you must first highlight what said goals are. Remember, clarity of mind is a must. When you are sure about your values and goals, you can really put in the work. Do you feel the urge to have a more consistent routine throughout the day? Do you wish to get into the habit of going to bed on time? Put it on your to-do list! Go through this list as many times as needed, and let it be the ultimate reminder of all the goals you've ever set for yourself. 

How am I contributing to accomplishing my goals?

Image credit: Pexels

Setting goals alone isn't enough; you also need a clear path to achieving them. For instance, if you aspire to become an A-list photographer, you need to start by building a portfolio that showcases your skills. You could then send it to different agencies or other professionals for collaborative opportunities that will help you network. Breaking down big goals makes them more manageable and less daunting. Try it for yourself! 

What are some of the things that have contributed to my overall self-growth in the last year? 

Nothing is more critical than identifying what drives your potential. When you become aware of these things, you are able to spend more time with them. People, things, or hobbies that bring you happiness and contribute to your emotional and mental well-being should be absolutely irreplaceable. Surround yourself with joy and purpose, noting these underrated gems in your life.

What is holding me back from living my dream life?

This might be the toughest one on this list. Identifying what your obstacles are can challenging but are still essential. Take time to introspect: what holds you back? Fear of failure, ridicule, or stage fright?  Once you ask yourself these questions, you'll come to realise that it is often the smallest barriers that keep you from living your dream life. 

What are some of the things that drain my energy and rob me of my mental peace?

Image credit: Pexels

You might be engaging in activities or interacting with people that drain your energy on a daily basis, without even realising it. Just as we encourage you to list down those who bring you happiness, it's equally important to identify those who don't. These can rob you of your mental peace and calm. It's time to part ways with anything that compromises your well-being!

What are my biggest distractions and how must I work towards eradicating them?

Getting rid of distractions can be difficult, but identifying them can make it ten times easier. Do you get distracted easily if someone calls you in the middle of work? Does multi-tasking divert your concentration? Is it that chatty friend who never stops talking? List them all without hesitation. Understanding the root of the issue is half the battle.

Remember to take your time with these questions. Find a quiet moment and be honest with yourself. Note down points from each question that you answered, so you can go through them whenever you need a reminder that self-reflection can solve many problems. Eventually, with practice, you can regain control of your well-being.

Lead image credits: Pexels

Also read: 5 things to avoid if you are on your journey towards self-growth

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