Building bonds: How fathers can contribute to successful breastfeeding

Here’s a guide on how they can best do their bit.

01 November, 2023
Building bonds: How fathers can contribute to successful breastfeeding

The journey of parenthood is a shared adventure filled with moments of love, learning, and growth. During this remarkable journey, it is key that both partners offer unwavering support to build the bond between the parents and baby. These simple yet impactful gestures, shared experiences, and moments of togetherness form the foundation of a strong, close-knit, and happy family.

One of the key experiences of new parenthood is breastfeeding, and the male partner's involvement goes beyond just being a spectator; it involves active participation in providing emotional, practical, and psychological support. 

Here are different ways dads can help their partner with breastfeeding. 

Research and learn about it: Providing valuable support involves fathers learning about breastfeeding, including its benefits and latching techniques. It also involves understanding hunger cues and thus enabling them to offer practical guidance as supportive partners.

Help in latching and positioning: Fathers play a pivotal role in aiding their partners with correct positioning and latching techniques, particularly during late-night feedings, ensuring a comfortable and practical latch while strengthening the family bond.

Take good care of the mother: Supporting the partner during breastfeeding includes attending to her needs during extended nursing sessions, refilling water bottles, providing necessary creams, and setting up her preferred comfort items. This assistance extends to changing the baby's diaper before bringing it for feeding.

Share household chores: Amid increasing household responsibilities with a newborn, fathers can offer support by engaging in practical tasks such as doing laundry, tidying shared spaces, preparing meals, and managing diaper pail duties, significantly lightening the partner's load. 

Help with pumping preparation and bottle feeding: Fathers play an important role when their partners are pumping and breastfeeding. They can provide support by preparing bottles and pump parts and ensuring they are ready for use. They can clean up after each session and ease the mother's workload.

Check-up regularly: Prioritising daily check-ins with the partner about her breastfeeding experience demonstrates genuine interest in addressing challenges such as latching issues, positioning, discomfort, or milk supply concerns. This united approach offers wholehearted support and fosters confidence and motivation.

Spend time with the baby between feedings: While breastfeeding creates a unique bond between mothers and babies, fathers connect through activities like talking, singing, reading, or caring for the baby in various ways such as changing diapers, dressing, assisting with bedtime or naptime, and so on.

Wake up to care for the baby: Sharing nighttime responsibilities is a significant sign of support. Taking turns at night, whether for feedings, proper positioning, changing diapers or soothing the baby back to sleep, contributes to her well-being and breastfeeding success.

Give emotional support: Fathers offer emotional support, understanding, and reassurance to their partners during emotionally challenging moments, emphasising teamwork. Remaining vigilant about postpartum depression by recognising its signs and seeking professional help is essential.

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and essential journey for mothers and newborns. Dads can significantly support their partners throughout the process by offering encouragement, practical help, emotional support, and understanding. By being actively involved and informed, dads can create a nurturing environment that promotes successful breastfeeding and strengthens the bond within the family. Breastfeeding is a team effort, and the support of a loving partner can make all the difference.

Inputs by By Dr. Santosh Kumar, Consultant, Pediatrician and Neonatologist, Motherhood Hospitals, Banashankari, Bengaluru
