Women Are Covering Their Nipples With Male Ones on Instagram

21 March, 2018
Women Are Covering Their Nipples With Male Ones on Instagram

You may have noticed slightly odd collages of women with male nipples on Instagram, but it's not just a digital copy/paste fetish. Women are actually protesting Instagram's censorship law. Instagram is known to take down pictures/accounts that show female nipples; Rihanna's @badgalriri account being taken offline in 2014 being the biggest case in point.

More recently, model Chrissy Teigen too faced the Insta-police. Her topless photo from a shoot for W Magazine was repeatedly taken off by the site. Here's what she had to say:

Scout Willis too spoke out after facing a similar issue:

Male nipples however, are free to roam instagram unabashedly. So, California-based artist Micol Hebron created a template of a male nipple, for women to place over theirs; to address the double standard. You can resize, cut and paste this viral picture on your own making them Insta-appropriate. Massive amounts of 'grammers are now using this to fight the confusing policy and #FreeTheNipple.

By Rijuta Agarwal

Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.
