India Today Mumbai Conclave
India Today Mumbai Conclave

This is How The Recent 'Flower Moon' Will Affect Your Life

Wondering why you have been all over the place lately? Find out what's in store for you.

10 July, 2018
This is How The Recent 'Flower Moon' Will Affect Your Life

This month's full moon known as the 'flower moon' peaked on the 29th of May 2018, having some far reaching implications on our lives. 


According to ancient folklore, this moon symbolises birth and fertility, which explains how  it got it's name as well. According to Jamie Partridge of Astrology King, people under the Flower Moon will be particularly committed to claim what is theirs.Many experts believe that this phenomenon is said to have caused an effect on your life and your decisions in many different ways. And don't freak out , but, Zodiac signs such as Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces will be feeling the effects of this change the MOST. 

Firstly, this moon could create a very competitive environment in the next two weeks. Arguments and conflict is to be expected, and everyone will try to come out on top and claim what's theirs.

As a result, people with a positive outlook towards life will probably have a lot to gain from this full moon, but those who are under-confident may have pay a high price. So, our advice, steer clear of taking new risks unless you are realistic about your chances of success.


Secondly, it is a great time to take make a fresh start and let go of past negativity. This could mean a relationship, a job or any toxic pattern that may be holding you back. If you have been thinking of making a change, now is the time to start fresh and do it. Though you may feel some resistance to let go of the past, now is the best time to make any positive change.

letting go

Thirdly, A lot of hidden things will be revealed over the next few days. People will be making announcements, secrets will be revealed, and some gossip might be exposed, especially in relationships. there will be a lot of communications happening, so we must be careful to keep our cool. Listening to our SO and paying them attentions and being ready to compromise will be the key to maintaining harmony in relationships.


So, how long will this effect last? Astrology experts say should come back to normal in the next two weeks, so if you are feeling down in the dumps or suffering, all will be right again pretty soon. It's best to understand these changes and make the most of them so that you can use time to re invent your life.



