What does it mean to be gynesexual?

Everything you need to know about this identity.

What does it mean to be gynesexual?

Thanks to the LGBTQIA+ movement, there’s a place for all under the wide umbrella of attractions, sexual orientations, and identities. One such term, that is going around, is gynesexuality. Simply put, the term refers to people who are attracted to “feminine” qualities, regardless of gender. But it’s much more than that and today, we are going to delve deeper into this identity to better understand its place in the broader landscape of sexual orientation.

What is it? 

To be ‘gynesexual’ means to be attracted to feminine characteristics, irrespective of the person’s gender. This attraction can be towards anyone who exhibits stereotypical feminine traits, whether they are a man, woman, nonbinary, etc. 

To give you more background, the term was first introduced in Nancy Chodorow’s 1978 book, The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender. It was discussed in the context of Freud’s theory of sexuality, which explored children’s original attraction to their mothers. Much later, in 2014, the term was defined in the Urban Dictionary and was occasionally used as an alternative to the word ‘lesbian’. Since then, the concept has evolved to encompass a variety of identities. Ideally, the term is used to discuss attractions without any baggage related to gender or how people choose to identify themselves.

Now, there could be a couple of reasons why some people are attracted to more feminine qualities. Many psychologists suggest that this attraction could be linked to a variety of factors, one major reason being a positive relationship with female family members or friends during one’s childhood.

Do you identify as gynesexual? 

Choosing labels for your sexuality is a personal decision, and it’s perfectly okay to take your time exploring and understanding what resonates with you. However, if the term gynesexual intrigues you, here are some ways to determine if it might be the right label for you.

Think about your past relationships

Take a moment to think about your previous partners and their traits that attracted you most.  If you find that your partners have consistently exhibited feminine energy, regardless of their gender, and these qualities have played an important role in your attraction towards them, this might suggest that gynesexuality aligns with your experiences. 

Additionally, think about whether your emotional and romantic connections are influenced by these feminine attributes. If you feel a strong connection to this pattern, it could indicate that the label “gynesexual” is a good fit for your identity. But as mentioned before, remember that exploring and understanding your attractions is a personal journey, and it’s perfectly okay for your self-identification to evolve with time.

Reflect on your past sexual encounters as well. If your partners predominantly exhibit feminine traits, this may indicate your attraction to femininity and influence your relationship preferences. Understanding these patterns can provide deeper self-awareness.

Consider your comfort with the term  

Think about how comfortable you feel with labelling yourself as gynesexual or any other term. Take the time to explore your preferences and understand what resonates with you personally. This process doesn’t need to be rushed—your self-discovery and the labels you choose can evolve and change over time. 

In the end, it is all about embracing the fluidity of sexual identity and allowing yourself the freedom to define and define your self-identification as you go on about life. 

Lead image credit: Pexels 

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