We asked Gen-Z what is the fastest way to lose their interest, and here's how it went

You snooze, you lose!

26 October, 2024
We asked Gen-Z what is the fastest way to lose their interest, and here's how it went

A bunch of people from this generation listed all their biggest icks, and they went OFF. Only if this was an Olympic sport.

Armaan, 19

Illustrations by Muskan Sehgal

- Those who keep their debit/ credit cards in clear phone cases.
- Adding sugar to black coffee—just drink hot chocolate at this point.
- Ketchup on pizza. There are lines we DO NOT cross.
- Over-editing and doodling all over random Instagram stories. Chill.
- Bollywood songs as ringtones.
- Wearing pants so low they’re practically ankle bracelets.

Saanya, 20

Illustrations by Muskan Sehgal

- Not straightening the car tyres after parking.
- Literal emoji use—like typing “croissant” and putting the emoji right next to it. We got it the first time!
- People who disappear after you’ve texted back in seconds. Rude.
- Dry hands and dirty toe nails. Please moisturise and clip.
- People who constantly one-up. We get it, you’re amazing.
- Onion breath. For the love of mints, stop!

Ishita, 21

Illustrations by Muskan Sehgal

- People without table manners—just, no.
- Blowing your nose in public. Please, spare us.
- Dudes following girls on IG who don’t even follow them back. Loser behaviour, for real!
- Men who don’t trim their nails. Is a nail clipper that hard to find?
- A man who yaps.
- Snapchat filters—actually, Snapchat in general. We’re not in 2016, babe!

Diksha, 24

Illustrations by Muskan Sehgal

- People wearing clashing patterns...Please stop.
- Those who copy your style while trash-talking it. Pick a side!
- Coughing and sneezing with-out covering your face—your germs aren’t confettis.
- Chewing loudly. No one needs to hear that.
- People who act all high and mighty—that’s straight-up rude.
- Making others feel bad for loving what they love. Not cool at all.
- Men...men who...when they...you know what, never mind!

Mehar, 24

Illustrations by Muskan Sehgal

- Android phones. Do I even need to explain?
- Nail biting, ew.
- Wearing docksiders like it’s still 2012.
- Skinny jeans—just...why?
- Guys who plonk their wallet and phone smack in the middle of the table like they’re on display.
- Men who grid-post on Instagram.

Tanisha, 27

Illustrations by Muskan Sehgal

- Mansplaining.
- The guy who’s in every girl’s likes and mutuals—buddy, are you dating the entire Internet?
- Club promoters and wannabe influencers—just one more invite and I’m out.
- Mewing in pictures.
- Wearing more accessories than an H&M display—calm down, Johnny Depp.
- Acting like we’re in a relationship but won’t call it one.

Stanzin, 25

Illustrations by Muskan Sehgal

- People with their own photo as their phone wallpaper. Hello, narcissist?
-  Not knowing life’s unwritten rules—like refilling the water bottle after you finish it!
- Blasting loud music in the car or thinking road rage is cool. Major nope.
- Wearing too much perfume.
- No one wants to leave with a headache, thanks!
- Men who flirt...gauche.
- People who are just...inefficient. Get it together!

Vedant, 20

Illustrations by Muskan Sehgal

- Holes in socks—no one wants a surprise toe peep show.
- Long, dirty nails—do I even have to explain!?
- Chewing with your mouth open.
- Dandruff on shoulders.
- Colourful underwear.
- Black lipstick—looking like you just made out with a Sharpie.
- Armpit sweat—because who needs a weather report when your shirt is forecasting a storm, right?

Bhavya, 23

Illustrations by Muskan Sehgal

- Sneakers without socks, ew!
- Fake accent after one semester abroad—ah yes, we get it, you’re practically royalty now that you’ve been to London once.
- Instagram photo dumps—no one’s interested in watching your 20-slide post unless you’re Dua Lipa.
- Excessive use of ‘like’ in a conversation—it’s like, wow, you’re, like, speaking, like, another language.
- Boys with sticker-book tattoos—aww, did you let your little cousin pick those out?
- Cuban link chains—who do you think you are? Bappi Lahiri?
- Clicking acrylic nails while typing—please, we don’t need a full concert while you reply to a text.

All images: Illustrations by Muskan Sehgal

This article originally appeared in Cosmo India's September-October 2024 print issue.

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