How ‘Nobody Wants This’ cuts through the clutter of typical romcoms

Hint: It has a lot to do with Adam Brody and Kristen Bell, and their chemistry.

14 October, 2024
How ‘Nobody Wants This’ cuts through the clutter of typical romcoms

Far too often, I find myself aimlessly scrolling through Netflix’s offerings and settling for a rom-com show or movie. After a long day, I am not too particular about an intriguing storyline or a stellar cast; I am looking for something to watch while I eat my dinner. So I started Nobody Wants This without any expectations, and mere minutes in, I knew I was hooked. This is a show that seems rooted in reality and in romance. And I couldn’t stop watching—a sentiment I believe many of us shared. Now, I don’t say this lightly. To give you context, in the same week, I also watched Romance In Style or some movie with an equally forgettable title about a plus-size woman who turns a magazine around by suggesting something as radical ‘being inclusive’ to the handsome CEO who is smitten by her. 

But we digress. Nobody Wants This works for many reasons but here’s my hot take on what makes this show watchable and—for many of us—restores our faith in romance.  


The sizzling chemistry between the lead pair

In what is a huge welcome departure from romantic tropes, Joanne and Noah do not start off hating each other. Sure, there is a temporary misunderstanding that proves wonderful for some situational comedy, but the pair like each other and it’s obvious from their interaction. Joanne, played by Kristen Bell, admits that she likes attention and Noah (Adam Brody) doesn’t dash for the woods, which is more than you can say about most men today. They flirt, they compliment each other, and he walks her to her car. The romantic tension between the two is so thick, you could cut it with a knife. 

They speak like normal people

We all love romantic tropes especially as we head into cuffing season but the lead pair in a romcom spouting cliches can be done away with, surely. Both Noah and Joanne have witty banter that’s not cringe and doesn’t make you want to curl up and die—it’s refreshing to watch. They deploy sarcasm, they make fun of each other and don’t take each other too seriously. It’s as fun as it gets. 

The first kiss. OMG, the first kiss

It’s been a while since we all collectively gasped at a kiss and this one had all of us a little weak in the knees. The conversation just before the kiss, Noah asking Joanne to drop her bag, him taking her ice cream from her hand and keeping it to the side—the build-up and anticipation—this was a passionate kiss. Let’s admit it, Noah’s hands cupping Joanne’s face is something that’s only written in books, and we’re all here for it. Have I revisited the scene a couple of times or more? I cannot confirm or deny it. 


Noah holds space for Joanne

Someone writing Nobody Wants This read women’s minds. All of us have at some point felt that we might be too much for someone. Too loud, too out there, too demanding. Even without Joanne expressing the real reason behind her distress, Noah says he can handle it. He says it simply, offering no judgment. It’s beautiful. It’s moments like these on the show that make you believe in love and romance and all of those mushy things, Nobody Wants This restores your faith in romance.

It’s all real and relatable

Perhaps what is most endearing part of Nobody Wants This is that it embraces all aspects of dating someone new—the ick, the messy bits, the pleasure, and the pain—and nope, the world isn’t set right after every hiccup. Joanne isn’t shown with her hair beatifically flying in the wind, Noah isn’t some sort of inspirational hero. Nobody declares their love at another’s wedding, or at the airport. When Morgan, Joanne’s sister, tells her she’s changing, there is an acknowledgement of that; it’s not dismissed as the “things people do in love.” Often you feel what the character is feeling and that’s real and relatable; it touches you in a way that no show has managed to in real life.

Lead image credit: Netflix 

Also read: We love Noah from ‘Nobody Wants This’ for his wholesome apologies minus the gaslighting BS

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