Most adorable ways to have a cuddle sesh with boo this monsoon

Have you tried them all?

04 August, 2024
Most adorable ways to have a cuddle sesh with boo this monsoon

Cuddling is one of the strongest tools a couple has to build emotional and physical intimacy. But that’s not all. Some research even highlights the health benefits of snuggling with your boo. For instance—a study done in Science Direct suggests that a good cuddling session can decrease one’s cortisol levels. The perfect stress buster, don’t you agree? Especially when it’s pouring rain outside. 

It’s no secret that cuddling can leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. It can even be the start of a steaming hot round of toe-curling sex. However, there are so many more benefits that people don’t even know yet. It builds trust, allows you to be vulnerable with your partner, and catalyses the bond you share. 

And while most of us assume that cuddling with the person comes naturally, that is not always the case. Just like with sex, couples need to find their rhythm. This means making mental notes of each other’s sleeping habits and finding a position that works for you. We’ve listed down a few positions for you to try to make this monsoon season even cosier.


I think it’s safe to say that spooning is one of the most comfortable positions to cuddle. As you know, one person is the ‘big’ spoon and the other is the ‘little’ spoon. Both partners lie on their sides and the big spoon engulfs the little spoon, hugging them from behind. This position allows for full-body contact and it feels so cosy, safe, and connected. It’s as close as you can be to your partner. Of course, you can take turns being the little spoon and if this position leads to a little nookie, so be it.  

Head on chest  

While this position is not sustainable for a long time, it is extremely comforting. One partner lies on their back while the other straddles them and lies down on top of them. The person on top can then entangle their legs with their partner. This position puts you at ease and makes you feel extremely connected to your partner. Just listening to their heart beating and feeling their hand lovingly caress your back, is there a better way to spend a rainy day?

The full embrace 

This position is for when you want to cuddle while doing your separate things. Basically, your legs are intertwined with your partners but keep the top half of your bodies slightly separate. The beauty of this position is that it allows a couple to decide how much contact they want. Not to mention, this position is a brilliant starting point if you want to move into some spicy activities. 

The lap snuggle   

A seated cuddling position, the lap snuggle is for all those long and exhausting days when you just want to be held by your partner. You sit in your partner’s lap facing them while they are in a seated position and wrap your arms around them. It’s the perfect position for some soft kisses and to build some emotional intimacy. This position relieves stress, increases the flow of oxytocin, and makes you feel comforted. 

The half spoon   

Just like the full spoon, this position takes your intimacy levels up a notch and leaves you with a warm and fuzzy feeling. It also reduces stress and lets you forget about the day’s worries. To get into position, one person lies on their back and the other on their side. The person lying on their side rests their head on their partner’s chest with their arms wrapped around the latter’s body. The partner who is lying down can wrap their arm around their partner as well. It’s a great position for an afternoon snooze with your partner.  

Feature image credit: Pexels

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