This is How You Will Fall in Love, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Find out how your crush really feels about you!

26 April, 2021
This is How You Will Fall in Love, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Whether you are sliding into the DMs of a crush or cannot muster up the courage to start a conversation with someone you like, here's help. Dr Sandeep Gandhi, co-founder of (Astrobuddy app) shares how each zodiac sign falls in love. Check it out and pick up the subtle signs your crush is giving out.


Aries are rarely subtle when displaying their affection for somebody. They are willing to fight to the death for the people they love. Having trouble showing their love, they are direct and blunt. 


Usually, Taureans fall in love and tend to fantasize about their partner. They are always ready to give a helping hand when in love. 


Gemini, when in love, tend to spend most, if not all, of their time with their significant other. They tend to involve themselves in creative activities to make thoughtful gifts for their lovers.


Cancer signs are hoarders by nature and care about the sentimental value of things. When they fall in love, their maternal instincts are high and they adopt a nurturing attitude towards their significant other. 


Leo is a straightforward sign when in love; they are proud of their partners and want to show them to the world. When they love, they do it passionately.


Virgos, when in love, tend to create plans for the future with the person they love. Detail-oriented, they wish their partners to take care of their hygiene. 


Libra is centred around the planet Venus and is an airy sign. Possessing the ability of witty banter, they can engage in conversations all day long with people they are interested in.


Scorpions cannot discern the line between love and obsession. They love quickly and impulsively but rarely manage to hold a steady relationship due to erratic decisions. 


Sagittarius, when in love, declares their love for the world to see. 


Capricorn signs have a very tell-tale method of telling people they like them. They let their guard down around their romantic interests.


Aquarius signed people are very practical in their approach to life, thus, when in love, they are pragmatic and forward-thinking. They display their emotions only to people they love. 


Pisces signs are lovers who shower the people they love with gifts. Thus, when falling in love, they tend to display it by spending half of their paycheck.

