India Today Mumbai Conclave
India Today Mumbai Conclave

How does cuddling develop over the course of a relationship

You do experience the warm and fuzzy feeling, but it can take time to develop.

27 September, 2024
How does cuddling develop over the course of a relationship

Cuddling may be a physical act, but it's so much more than that—it strengthens relationships and improves the emotional intimacy between partners. While most people look forward to the next cuddle session with their partner, it doesn’t just start perfectly. It is a gradual process like most aspects of a relationship. The warm and fuzzy feeling of being loved and protected does happen when you cuddle, but it takes time to develop. And as your relationships progress, the cuddling evolves, reflecting the growing intimacy and comfort between partners. Here’s a closer look at how this progression typically unfolds.

The initial stages

This is the time to feel both nervous and excited. You know, those butterflies you feel in your stomach before you even hold hands with someone you like. The first sign of attraction often starts casually with brief hugs and leaning in close during conversations, before moving on to holding hands.

Building comfort before getting comfortable

The increased affection leads to more frequent and longer hugs, with the couple resting their heads on each other’s shoulders. Over time, they discover each other's preferences for cuddling, including their favourite positions and styles—whether side-by-side on the couch or spooning in bed. There’s also a noticeable increase in both the frequency and duration of cuddles, indicating growing comfort and emotional connection.

Deepening intimacy

The couple, through cuddling, eventually realizes that it’s more than just an act; it’s a safe space where they can be vulnerable, express affection, and support each other. The more they cuddle, the more comforted, reassured, and secure both partners feel in their relationship, especially during stressful times. Cuddling serves as an emotional anchor, fostering a deep attachment that is often associated with warmth and safety. For those who struggle with words, cuddling becomes a love language, expressing affection and care without the need for verbal communication.

It becomes a routine

As a couple’s feelings deepen during long-term dating and committed relationships, cuddling soon becomes routine. Couples find themselves cuddling before bed, after waking up, or while watching a match or movie, often realizing they don’t need a reason to cuddle. For them, these moments have become an integral way to unwind and connect.

Just like the dynamics and bonds within a relationship evolve, so does the way two people cuddle while falling in love. While the timing and progression vary for each couple, what remains constant is that cuddling has always been—and will always be—a significant way to express love and affection, build intimacy, and strengthen the relationship.

Lead image: Netflix

Also read: Here’s What It’s Like to Be a Professional Cuddler

Also read: Most adorable ways to have a cuddle sesh with boo this monsoon
