How do you write the perfect bio for your dating profile?

It is a form of art!

How do you write the perfect bio for your dating profile?

Before the internet, dating and relationships were quite different from what it is today. Just ask your parents they’ll probably narrate a saga like How I Met Your Mother. But the inception of the internet, and dating apps, has changed the game completely. Chance encounters like meeting them on a bus or at a coffee shop are now replaced with encounters on dating apps. And whether for better or worse, you might just be one swipe away from finding the love of your life.

It’s important to be mindful of how you present yourself on a dating app. While choosing the right pictures is important, crafting your bios or prompts in a way that effectively communicates your personality is equally essential. Here’s how you can do it.

Stop with the “I love to…eat” prompts 

When someone sees your profile, they’re eager to learn more about you. Generic prompts like “I love to eat” or “I’m crazy about football or F1” are just blah. Mainly because they don’t really reveal much about your personality.

To make a better impression, try to be more descriptive in your bio. For instance, instead of simply stating that you enjoy travelling, you could share a memorable anecdote from one of your trips. This gives the person a clearer and more personal glimpse into who you are.

Think about how you want people to perceive you

When it comes to dating apps, you have to put forth your personality using just a few words, which can be challenging. Even if you want to, you can’t possibly share everything about yourself in one go. Therefore, choose which aspect of your life or personality you want to highlight. Do you want people to know about your profession, your taste in art, or your favourite travel spots? It’s up to you to pick your best bait. So be wise with that. 

Make use of humour 

Here’s where you can really leverage your sense of humour. Instead of stating things in a typical (boring) manner, inject some humour into your profile. For example, instead of saying, “I order curly fries for the table,” you could say, “Curly fries with a side of melodrama.” This approach makes you come across as witty and intriguing, which could get you far more matches. 


This approach rarely fails because you come across as witty, which most people appreciate. Consider how you can incorporate wordplay into your profile—you could tailor it around your interests or your personality and watch the matches come in. 

Add unique prompts 

Many people are lazy when crafting their prompts. While it’s okay to research, avoid simply copying and pasting the first thing you find on Google or ChatGPT. Trust us, people can tell when it's not original. This can set your profile back and make others lose interest, prompting them to swipe left immediately. 

Lead image credit: Pexels

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