Here’s why everyone should take a solo trip at least once in their life

Travelling with yourself never felt any better.

27 September, 2023
Here’s why everyone should take a solo trip at least once in their life?

Most often, you do not realise you are missing out on something until you live it. Solo travel is one such experience. For the adventurous, it is an opportunity to wander and embrace the unknown, for the shy and introvert, it is the chance to discover new places and give themselves a window to the outside world. There's a reason why taking a solo trip at least once in your life is something to tick off the bucket list. If you have already packed and are ready to go, we wish you the best adventures and most precious memories, but if you are still hesitant about going off on your own, we make this choice easier for you. Here are all the reasons why you should take the solo trip you never thought you would. 

It’s easier to plan a solo trip than other trips

When you travel with others, there is a lot of planning and coordinating. While the planning stage with friends or family can sometimes be as much fun as the trip, solo trips leave a window for spontaneity and last-minute changes. Trips with people may often get delayed as you have to squeeze in everyone's schedules, whereas you can take off whenever suits you if you are travelling solo. 


You make your itinerary

The best part about travelling alone, as an experienced solo traveller, I would say, is the ticket to ultimate freedom. You can sleep in if you may or go for a trek if you please. You can make and go by your schedule and tweak it as per your will, too, you are not answerable to anyone. You do not have to wait for anyone or speed up your getting ready process, chances of disagreements are eliminated, and you don’t need to worry about feeling guilty about your choices. 

It does wonders for your self-confidence

When you travel alone, you learn to tackle situations by yourself. This means you get a chance to better your problem-solving skills and deal with pressure in a completely new environment, thus boosting your self-confidence. This new-found energy and belief in yourself can put you in the right mind space to make important decisions in life that you’ve put on the backseat. A solo trip also presents you with a chance to follow your gut instincts and reflect on those choices. 


You feel more independent and empowered

A solo trip providesa fresh perspective on life. In most instances, one always feels more empowered when they return from one. There is a spring in their step, thanks to the new-found freedom and independence they experienced on the trip. They can create and plan their schedule knowing exactly what they want, how they’re going to achieve it, and when it will come to fruition. 

The interactions and friendships you make are precious

You may be alone on a solo trip, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have social interactions. A solo trip can lead to exciting adventures and experiences with other travel lovers. For all you know, you might meet make some great friends or find your special someone. When you’re travelling with a group of people you know, you end up interacting with just them. A solo trip will make you realise that you were never alone to begin with. 

You step out of your comfort zone 

You grow in life when you push yourself to do the things you never did before or were scared of doing. A solo trip is the perfect opportunity to test yourself and try different things. But remember, there is no right or wrong here. If you don't enjoy the solo trip, don’t do it again, but you can feel happy knowing you stepped out of your comfort zone, and made it through. 

You can inspire others through your stories

You’re the captain of your ship on a solo trip; you write the story. You can let others know about it and encourage them. These experiences are priceless and they are the stories that you’ll remember long after the adventure is over. 
