Here’s what your favourite ‘Emily in Paris’ character says about you

We promise it’s not ringarde.

03 January, 2023
Here’s what your favourite ‘Emily in Paris’ character says about you

The new season of Emily in Paris is out on Netflix, and it’s given us one too many talking points to discuss and debate about; starting with the development of the show’s many characters. We loved some and questioned some others, but the series has a whole lot of themes and characteristics including being romantic, ambitious, passionate, and more, that we relate to. Whether it’s Sylvie who is navigating her way through a new-founded company and a personal life which seems to be one turmoil after the next with a new boyfriend, a husband (what’s that about) and Antoine, or Mindy who is determined to pursue her passion for music and is ready take on every obstacle and challenge that comes her way—take your pick from a host of characters and read on to know what it says about your personality. 


Emily in Paris

Through the three seasons, we’ve seen Emily (mostly) learn and grow through the experiences and circumstances that life has thrown at her. If she’s your favourite character out of the lot, what we know for sure is that you’re super ambitious, always optimistic, and have great persuasion skills. We’ve seen Emily pursue and convince the biggest leaders of the industry and create some of the most iconic campaigns for their brands. Yet, like Emily, you continue to navigate your way through achieving a balance between your work and personal life and often struggle to prioritise what you want, because you worry about hurting your near and dear ones. What we also know for sure is that you love romanticising your life and you definitely have (more than) a romantic bone in your body—whether it’s self-love—pampering yourself with flowers, drinks, and good meals—or going on museum and crepe dates, or picnics with your boo. 


Emily in Paris

 “I’d bon appetite him,” the protagonist’s best friend says in the first season of the show. Need we say anything more? Mindy is all about the sass, being that supportive best friend and following her dream. If you relate to her, then your best friend just got very, very lucky. Your priorities are in place—whether it’s choosing a friend over a lover or pursuing your passion. You’re all about adventure, and love to have a good time either at a party or relaxing with your girls by the beach. You’re also fiercely independent, and would do anything before you turn to your last resort: parents, for financial help. We see Mindy grow into the person she wants to become—free, artistic, happy and loved. You too are a lover of growth and life itself. 


Emily in Paris

If you’ve come here for Alfie, then we know one thing for sure—you’ve great taste. Alfie is everything you imagine your dream partner to be—repulsive at first and charming ever-after. Here’s what this says about you: you’re intelligent and ambitious about your career, but when given the choice, you will always choose the people who matter over work (spoiler alert: Alfie came back to Paris for Emily in the third season). You’re a die-hard romantic and love loving your significant other and also receiving that big-gesture-kind of love. You can be brutally honest, which is hidden by your ever-charming and attractive gestures and manner of speaking. You love spending time with your people, and would do anything to help a friend out, perhaps even take a bullet for them. 


Emily in Paris

Well… you’re as French as it can get. There’s so much to say about Sylvie’s personality—she can be blunt, judgmental and brutal, but she’s like what one would describe as a coconut: hard on the outside and soft on the inside. If she’s your favourite, you probably identify with her on the work front—you know how to work your charm in conversation and you’re the leader, only a few would want to replace. You’re navigating your idea of love, romance and relationships and may have a hard time expressing how you truly feel about someone (Don’t wait until it’s too late though). Your colleagues love you for your boss-like energy and determination. 


Emily in Paris

If your favourite character is Le Chef Hot—Gabriel, well, then you’ve got half of Paris pining for you! And you love the attention, although you hardly ever show it. Gabriel is heaps of passion and dedication mixed together with a go-with-the-flow kind of personality that usually works in his favour as does in yours. You put your heart and soul into your work and will do everything for it to succeed. You’re romantic, you’re poetic. It would be entirely impossible to get eyes off you in a room full of people. That’s the energy you radiate. You often get muddled up between work and personal life, and struggle to draw necessary boundaries and prioritise what you want in life. 


Emily in Paris

We have in our midst another lover of love and life itself. Camille is the artsy, extremely French, and sexy woman you’d hope to meet on a holiday in Paris. If she’s your favourite, we know that you open-heartedly welcome every adventure that life has to offer, whether it’s a peck on the lips from a stranger one Parisian morning or having a rendezvous with a Greek artist. You love what you do and look forward to each day with an immeasurable level of excitement and thrill. You have a minimalistic style, but love to flaunt your fashion sensibilities. You’re always there to help a friend but trust is of utmost importance to you, and you wouldn’t appreciate any backstabbing. 


Emily in Paris

We for one, are all hearts for Antoine who is everything handsome, charming and French. And if you love him too, here’s what we can say about your personality—like Alfie, you would choose people, values and emotions over business and would care little about cost when it comes to matters of quality, ethics and prestige. You find it challenging at times to deal with matters of the heart and often take for granted the love you received from those around you. Yet, we know for sure that you don’t intend to cause any hurt or harm to your nearest and dearest ones. You’re always there to encourage your co-workers or anybody else that you feel has immense potential for success. 


Emily in Paris

“We work to live. You live to work,” Luc tells Emily one day. And that’s who he is. Luc enjoys taking time off, he loves everything about French culture and revers it deeply. If you’re a fan, you’re definitely rooted in culture and embrace traditions, poetry and literature in all its glory. You’re a romantic, but a realist about life. You love philosophy and deep conversations about life, love and humanity. You have a great sense of humour and love innuendoes and double-meaning puns and jokes. You’re a kind-hearted person, a mentor, and a friend to all those around you, and wouldn’t have it any other way. 
