Here’s a no-fail exit plan to escape from a bad date

We've got some tried and tested strategies for an emergency exit.

12 September, 2024
Here’s a no-fail exit plan to escape from a bad date

There are good dates, very good dates, and bad dates. Then there are dates that go so horribly wrong that you want to leave even before you place your order or clear the cheque. If the vibes don't match or your date looks nothing like their photos, or worse is a horrible person to be around, it's time to get out, and fast. You need an exit plan that doesn’t look made up—it's a great safety net to have when you’re meeting someone new. And if you didn't already have one, then we’re here to help you with some of the most believable of excuses


Make an excuse well before your date as a precaution

Tell them you have plans and you’ll have to leave early when you’re planning your date. If you end up having a good time, you don’t have to bring it up, but if they happen to, then you can always say that plan dipped and stay for longer. It’s an exit strategy that’s not rude or insulting, and very discreet. 

The emergency phone call

Yes, we’ll all done it at some point in our lives to get out of a bad date. The best part is that you don’t even have to try too hard—the other person usually gets it. Just don’t set an alarm on your phone with your ringtone that will go off after say 20-30 minutes. The last thing you want to see happen is to talk to a silent phone for it to actually ring in front of them (now that’s just rude). 

Instead, text a friend to call you up ASAP with an emergency. Your date might believe you, as your friend is way more important to them and a person they won’t leave. The key is to give a believable reason. Just get up and walk away from the table and look down when you are speaking to make yourself appear more serious. 

Have a back-up date who turns up

This is where you tell one of your friends to be on standby and reach the venue in case the date's going bad. There’s no better way to get out of a bad date than having another date show up to crash the party. It’s not very subtle, but it sure does the trick. 


Get them to end the date

One sureshot way to end a bad date is by being the worst date possible! Don't be afraid to break every social rule. If you date has a bad vibe, match their vibe. Talk loudly, chew with your mouth open, pick your teeth, burp, or show off your toilet humour—anything to make them cringe.

Here's another great tip—talk non-stop about your ex. Bring them up in every conversation. Tell your date you're still in touch, meet up occasionally, and even hook up. You could also fake a call, and answer it saying, "It’s them"!

And finally, one effective way to scare them off is by talking incessantly about commitment. Casually mention that you’re really keen to get married pretty soon and your parents have absolutely no problem with a love marriage. Take things a notch higher by letting them know that they’d get to meet them after a couple of dates.

Just be honest

The right thing to do is always the hardest. You can just nip things in the bud and let the other person know how you feel about them. Simply say, “It was great meeting you and I really appreciate your time. But I don’t feel the chemistry between us and it isn’t going to work out for me." It’s short and straight to the point. Plus, it prevents the person from thinking about whether the date went well or not. If you’re a horrible liar and want things to end soon, this is the best option to go with. 

Lead image: Netflix

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Also read: What’s a non-date date and should your first date be one?
