Does your SO’s body count matter?

Ten women share their thoughts!

11 September, 2024
Does your SO’s body count matter?

“How many people have you slept with?” is a question that’s bound to come up in the course of a serious relationship. While it’s completely natural to want to know about your partner’s past, should it really impact your view of them? Traditionally, a high body count has always been viewed as a con, especially when it’s characteristic of a woman. But in 2024, people are growing increasingly accepting of unconventional relationship styles and thus normalising higher body counts for all genders. Yet, it remains a deeply personal choice—whether or not your significant other’s body count matters. 

10 women share their thoughts on the controversial subject below.

“Body count doesn’t matter as long as both of us are in the same ballpark. If there a stark difference then it eventually does matter because issues are more likely to arise” — Shane, 30.

“I don’t think it matters unless it’s dangerously high, even then it would only be concerning if we kept bumping into people they slept with.” — Mira, 20.

“It doesn’t matter after a point, initially it’s something that will catch you off guard and may even trigger. However, after a while, you do end up getting over it and realising that they are yours for now and it’s better to cherish that than live in the past. As long as they’re faithful when they’re with you it’s all good” — Divina, 21. 

“I want to believe that it doesn’t matter but the higher the number, the less they value intimacy with a person. Which to me is a problem, so yes it, unfortunately, matters because intimacy is not something one constantly has with different people, it’s sacred in a way” — Rivat, 24.

“Body count doesn’t matter as long as he’s healthy and clean, can’t stand the risk of any STDs.” — Sanika, 24. 

Image credit: Pexels


“My SO’s body count is important to me because physicality is significant in my life. I take great care in how I share my body, and I feel uneasy if my partner has a high number of previous partners. I prefer to share this experience with someone who has not been as involved with multiple people” — Shanaya, 28. 

“Your significant other’s body count doesn’t matter if they respect and value you and your relationship. A relationship should be built on mutual understanding, not past numbers. Trust and communication are key, not past experiences” — Tia, 22.

“Body count doesn’t matter to me, as long my partner and I are honest with and accepting of each other’s past” — Ria, 32.

“My SO’s body count does matter to me because intimacy is a big deal for me, and I like to preserve it for partners that I feel truly connected to; my ideal partner should feel the same way” — Zenia, 27.

“In 2024, things like this shouldn’t matter. His body count doesn’t matter to me as long as mine doesn’t matter to him. I’m all for exploring and sharing experiences until you find the one for you” — Naina, 35. 

Feature image: Netflix

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