Clever Hacks to Make Work from Home More Comfortable

No more aching backs and necks!

11 May, 2020
Clever Hacks to Make Work from Home More Comfortable

Work from home is the new order of the day, but if you are still struggling to get used to it, you aren’t alone. You might have figured a spot at home that you like to work from, but that’s not the end of all worries. If you have been constantly hunching over to look at the laptop or re-arranging yourself on the sofa often to find a comfortable position, then by the end of the day you must be nursing a painful back or neck.
The truth is our homes do not have ergonomic chairs and tables that we find in office spaces. In fact, most offices are also built to allow natural light in or have ambient lighting that boost productivity, your homes wouldn’t necessarily have that.
So to make work from home more comfortable, here are a few things that you can do.

Choose a spot near the window


Try to set up your work space next to the window. This way you will get some natural light to work in and can also look out of the window when you get bored. According to several studies, natural light can decrease the occurrence of headaches, blurry vision and eye strain. 

Raise your laptop to your eye level

Hunching over to look at your laptop is the major reason for back pain. Staying locked in that position for a long time can wreak havoc with the spine and posture. Put your laptop at a higher surface. You can alternatively, put books beneath the laptop to bring it to your eye level. According to experts the top of your laptop screen should be in line with your eyebrows.

Stand and work in between

Too much of sitting isn’t good either for the girth of your waist or your legs. To get the circulation going, try to stand up and work occasionally. Do keep in mind to put the laptop on a high table. If you don’t have one, try putting it on the ironing board or on top of a chest of drawers or book shelf. 

Invest in a portable desk

If you do not have a table that can be turned into a work desk, then get a portable table that you can use on the bed. Many of these are foldable and the height can be adjusted to meet your requirements.

Stay away from the couch


Working on a couch means you have to strain your neck to look down at the laptop. This could lead to back, shoulder and neck pain. So, no matter how tempting it looks, use it to take a break from work and not work from it. 
