The 9 Different Ways In Which You Carry Your Handbag And What It Says About You

Find out what body language experts have to say about the way you tote that arm candy.

14 March, 2019
 The 9 Different Ways In Which You Carry Your Handbag And What It Says About You

For most of us out there, a handbag is an extremely important accessory when it comes to making a style statement and completing our outfit. From a Birkin to our latest flea market find, our tastes and budgets may vary, but the effort we put into picking the right bag remains the same. Not many of us, however, think twice about the way we carry our chosen pouch.  It may seem like a random decision, but choosing to showcase your bag in your hand or carry it across your shoulder reveals a lot more about you than you can imagine. 



According to body language expert Patti Wood, there are many hidden messages in the way in which we like to present our go-to accessory. “I am fascinated by purse behaviour,” says Wood. “Purses are a gender identifier; a way to show your status, your taste and creativity, and personality.” Read on to find out which of the nine styles of carrying your handbag you identify the most with, and what it reveals about you.


1. Over one shoulder with your bag close to your body


You are practical and take your time to trust new people. You are someone who gets things done, and does not waste their time and money on the small, frivolous stuff. If you tend to tightly grip your bag, it may mean you are fearful of new things or suffer from low self-esteem. 


2. Over one shoulder with your bag swinging free




You are spontaneous, carefree, and take life as it comes. People know you as being confident and self-assured, and as someone who likes a certain amount of freedom in their life. You don’t prioritise labels or brand names, but choose accessories that flaunt your personal style instead.


3. In the crook of your elbow




You put priority on status and position, and give value to flaunting your prestige and authority. It can also indicate you are carrying a purse with a pricey tag, one that you want to show off. You might get termed as ‘high-maintenance’, but you just know what you want from life and tend to stick by it.  This is a common style for A-listers and celebrities, especially while flaunting large designer bags.


4. In your hand



This indicates a more sophisticated and put together quality. Such people tend to be assertive, well organized and efficient. This also means you give style more importance than convenience, and want to draw more attention to yourself and your outfit.


5. In front of your body with both hands


This style, according to experts reveals shyness, and a certain need to protect your self. It may also mean you suffer from anxiety in social scenarios and prefer to stay out of the spotlight. It may also happen when you don’t know too many people, or are in a new and alien surrounding.


6. Cross-body with bag in front




You want to be as free as a bird, and want to have easy accessibility to your things.  It indicates a person who wants to move through the world without feeling encumbered. You see a lot of busy, big city people enjoy embracing the cross body trend.


7. Cross-body with bag in back



You are calm, cool, collected and trusting of others. You don’t concern your self with too much worry, and move through life in a casual and relaxed manner. Your mind is more fixated on your goals or sense of purpose then to worry about mundane things like possessions.


8. Backpack



You are independent and want to be self-sufficient, always taking care of your self. You also like to be free and well prepared for any situation in life.  Chances are you are the most reliable in your group of friends and live a healthy lifestyle. You also don’t follow trends and determine your own sense of self-worth.


9. No bag at all


You are a person of privilege and are used to others carrying the load for you, be it a family member, boyfriend or assistant. This is indicative of the most self-assured of all personalities, and shows you are extremely secure in your own identity and not defined by the things you wear.
