5 Acupressure Points and Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Energy yoga expert and founder of House of Beauty, Vibhuti Arora shows you *exactly* how to exercise your way to good health and peace of mind. 

27 April, 2021
5 Acupressure Points and Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Acupressure—an ancient, alternative medicinal technique rooted in Asian cultures—is a 100% safe-to-practice facial massage technique that assists in the removal of toxins from the body, along with overall oxygenation. 

The trying times that we live in today demand our reliance on external methods to relieve stress and anxiety, coupled with techniques to boost our immunity and keep diseases at bay. And to guide you to good health, harmony, and peace of mind, Vibhuti Arora of House of Beauty shares specific acupressure points and breathing exercises that'll not only keep your spirits high, but will propel the effective removal of toxins from the body, along with aiding your immune system. 


1) The Third Eye Point




The Third Eye point is situated in between your eyebrows on your forehead (as seen in the above image), and works to help you relax, reduces headaches, induces sound sleep, and relieves stress and anxiety. Take your index finger and press the third eye point till the count of 10—starting with 3 clockwise circulations, followed by 3 anti-clockwise circulations. Ensure that you massage this point every night before sleeping, and feel free to use a mind relaxing wellness oil while doing so. 


2) Temple Triangle




Massage the 3 points simultaneously in your temples for up to 2 minutes (as seen in the above image) to help reduce headaches, tinnitus, toothache, muscle tension in the face and scalp, and stress. 


3) HA Breath




The 'HA' breath exercise is an easy, relaxing technique to reduce stress and anxiety, while increasing oxygenation in the body. Inhale through your nose as you elongate your spine, lifting your face to a 60 degree angle. Next, exhale through your mouth while relaxing your spine, bringing your head back to its original position. Repeat the exercise to the count of 12. This breathing technique also serves to be effective for those who are on the road to recovery from COVID-19, as it works to strengthen your lungs.


4) Bhastrika – Bellows Breath




This is a cool-down relaxation technique, where the focus lies in rapidly inhaling and exhaling through your nose, such that the oxygen supply increases in the entire body, along with relieving anxiety and insomnia. Perform this breathing exercise for up to 30 seconds, and then gradually slow down the pace bringing your breathe back to normal. Concentrate on inhaling and exhaling first through your lungs, then through the nose, for complete relaxation. 


5) Chi Directive




To perform this exercise, rub your palms against each other for 30 seconds to generate heat. Now, take your palms right above your head at a distance of 5 inches, and hold this position for 30 seconds with your eyes closed. Concentrate on clearing your thoughts and allow the energy to flow through.




Next, rub your palms again and hold them 5 centimetres close to your face. Feel the energy flow for 30 seconds and relax. For the last time, let your palms generate heat and hold them on the sides of your neck, 5 centimetres away. Continue breathing normally for 30 seconds and gently open your eyes. 
