4 vaccinations to get before your next date

Get those shots before you get hot!

4 vaccinations to get before your next date

Remember your teen years, the first time you got ready for a big date? The butterflies in your stomach, the countless outfit changes, and the pep talks with your best friend. Fast forward to your twenties, and dating brings a whole new set of adventures—awkward first kisses, disastrous one-night stands, and whatnot. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there—nervously overthinking whether that Tinder date is not just smiles, charm, and witty banter. Let's agree, we've all heard stories about the tales of romance gone wrong from friends, friends' friends, and strangers on social media. Like that one time your friend thought they met their soulmate, only to discover their "match made in heaven" came with a side of "oh no, what’s this rash?"  We’re not here to scare you off the dating scene; quite the opposite actually. We want you to have the time of your life, minus the paranoia. After all, you don’t want a party pooper (infection) ruining all the fun. 

Think of getting vaccinated as the ultimate dating hack; it’s your backstage pass to fun, flirty, and fearless adventures. You wouldn’t head to a party without your favourite lipgloss, so why dive into the dating pool without safety precautions? So, before you swipe right or head out for that sizzling date, these are the shots you need to get to keep the good times rolling smoothly. Trust us, your future self will thank you. Here’s to safe and savvy dating!

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine

The HPV vaccine is like a superhero cape for your immune system, protecting you from the sneaky villains of cervical, vaginal, vulvar, and anal cancers, as well as genital warts. Think of it as your fairy godmother, waving her wand to keep those wicked warts away. One jab and you're ready to waltz into the ball worry-free!

Trivia: The vaccine is ideally administered at ages 11-12 but can be given up to age 26, with a catch-up vaccination recommended up to age 45. It can be given as a two-dose series with a six or 12-month gap between each, or a three-dose sequence where the second dose is delivered between one or two months and the third after six months. 

Hepatitis B Vaccine

This one is your liver's ultimate wingman! It's like giving your liver a VIP pass to the hottest club in town, complete with X-ray vision goggles, ensuring no riff-raff sneaks past the velvet rope. Your liver will thank you, not to mention, keep it healthy for all your adventures on the dating scene!

Hepatitis A Vaccine

Imagine hosting a swanky dinner soiree; this vaccine is like your trusty butler who makes sure none of those nasty uninvited guests (read as: germs) spoil the feast. With this vaccine on duty, you can enjoy your dating adventures without worrying about any unwelcome party crashers ruining the romance.

Trivia: Both, the HepA and HepB vaccines are typically given to children between the ages of six and 12 months in a two-dose series. However, unvaccinated adults can get it in combination with the HepB vaccine in three doses, the second administered one month after the first followed by the third six months later. 

Meningococcal Vaccine

The meningococcal vaccine is your shield against meningitis, a sneaky infection that loves close contact, like sharing a drink, kissing, and well, everything else that follows the big kiss. Think of it as your personal bodyguard at a concert, ensuring that even in the rush of the crowd or a cosy cuddle session, no unwanted intruders get too close for comfort. 

Trivia: This one too is typically given to children under seven during their initial vaccinations. However, it can still be administered to young adults between the ages of 16 to 23 (those who aren't at a higher risk) in a two-dose series.

Lead image credit: Netflix 

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