Calorie Deficit 101: How to Get Fit the Healthy Way

No skipping meals. No overeating either. Nutrition coach Priya Prakash shares exactly HOW MUCH you need to eat to lose weight and build muscle.

28 January, 2021
 Calorie Deficit 101: How to Get Fit the Healthy Way

No skipping meals. No overeating either. Nutrition coach Priya Prakash shares exactly HOW MUCH you need to eat to lose weight and build muscle.

What is calorie
"Calorie deficit basically means that the amount of calories burned by the body is more than the number of calories consumed so that the body starts burning the stored fat for the additional energy that it requires," says Priya Prakash, certified nutrition coach and co-founder of Naturally Yours.
1What is calorie"Calorie deficit basically means that the amount of calories burned by the body is more than the number of calories consumed so that the body starts burning the stored fat for the additional energy that it requires," says Priya Prakash, certified nutrition coach and co-founder of Naturally Yours.
Why do you need a calorie
"There are two ways to achieve a calorie deficit – either cut down on what you eat or workout hard. I strongly believe in the concept that you cannot out-train your diet. So, although regular workouts do help to a certain extent, watching what you eat and generally staying active throughout the day together will give way better results."
2Why do you need a calorie"There are two ways to achieve a calorie deficit – either cut down on what you eat or workout hard. I strongly believe in the concept that you cannot out-train your diet. So, although regular workouts do help to a certain extent, watching what you eat and generally staying active throughout the day together will give way better results."
So, if your desire is to lose the excess body fat and thus reduce inches, then calorie deficit is the way to go about with it. Of course, you have to ensure that you do not cut down on your calories to such an extent that you end up feeling tired and lethargic all the time. It is very crucial to touch that sweet spot of calorie deficit which helps you to lose body fat but keeps you from feeling tired throughout the day.
3diabetes20exercise.gifSo, if your desire is to lose the excess body fat and thus reduce inches, then calorie deficit is the way to go about with it. Of course, you have to ensure that you do not cut down on your calories to such an extent that you end up feeling tired and lethargic all the time. It is very crucial to touch that sweet spot of calorie deficit which helps you to lose body fat but keeps you from feeling tired throughout the day.
How do you maintain a sustainable calorie
"Maintaining a calorie deficit does not mean you have to starve yourself and eat the bare minimum. You still require a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for optimal functioning of the body." Here are some recommendations:
4How do you maintain a sustainable calorie"Maintaining a calorie deficit does not mean you have to starve yourself and eat the bare minimum. You still require a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for optimal functioning of the body." Here are some recommendations:
Say no to EMPTY
"Completely avoid or limit your consumption of food sources that contribute empty calories - such as maida/refined flour, high sugar drinks, candies etc. This means that they have high calories but little to no nutritional value. So, eat something healthier and more filling."
5Say no to EMPTY"Completely avoid or limit your consumption of food sources that contribute empty calories - such as maida/refined flour, high sugar drinks, candies etc. This means that they have high calories but little to no nutritional value. So, eat something healthier and more filling."
Protein and fibre are your
"Include food high in protein and fibre such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables in your diet. They not only provide you with various nutrients but also ensure that more energy is burned while digesting them."
6Protein and fibre are your"Include food high in protein and fibre such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables in your diet. They not only provide you with various nutrients but also ensure that more energy is burned while digesting them."
Just move
Studies have shown that working out for 1-2 hours a day and then remaining pretty much sedentary the rest of the time will not really move the needle when it comes to weight loss. So, ensure that you keep yourself active throughout the day by standing more, walking more, playing with your kids or pets.
7Just moveStudies have shown that working out for 1-2 hours a day and then remaining pretty much sedentary the rest of the time will not really move the needle when it comes to weight loss. So, ensure that you keep yourself active throughout the day by standing more, walking more, playing with your kids or pets.
Stress = excess
"A calorie deficit diet can cause some amount of stress in the body which can trigger the release of the body’s stress hormones such as cortisol. This is turn can lead to the body holding on to its fat reserves and targeting the proteins from muscles for its energy requirement. Keep yourself relaxed by doing meditation or going for a brisk walk every day or listening to music or reading a book. Do whatever helps to de-stress you."
8Stress = excess"A calorie deficit diet can cause some amount of stress in the body which can trigger the release of the body’s stress hormones such as cortisol. This is turn can lead to the body holding on to its fat reserves and targeting the proteins from muscles for its energy requirement. Keep yourself relaxed by doing meditation or going for a brisk walk every day or listening to music or reading a book. Do whatever helps to de-stress you."
Do NOT starve or skip
"Ensure that you get a balanced diet comprising of all macronutrients along with vitamins and minerals. Home-cooked meals would ensure that there are no hidden refined flour, sugar or unhealthy fats that could fill you with empty calories. Eat sufficient whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for a wholesome diet."
9Do NOT starve or skip"Ensure that you get a balanced diet comprising of all macronutrients along with vitamins and minerals. Home-cooked meals would ensure that there are no hidden refined flour, sugar or unhealthy fats that could fill you with empty calories. Eat sufficient whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for a wholesome diet."