Could there be anything better than a chilled glass of Baileys to kick off the Cosmo Bloggers Awards ‘23?

It was pink, playful, and full of creamy, chocolatey sumptuousness.

03 April, 2023
Could there be anything better than a chilled glass of Baileys to kick off the Cosmo Bloggers Awards ‘23?

Think Baileys and you can’t help your mouth from salivating over the luxuriant richness of the creamiest of Irish creams, laced with the silkiness of the finest chocolate flavoured whiskey, with a hint of vanilla. Now think of it served in a chilled glass, add some more ice to it and let it swirl around before you take a sip, the sharp taste of the chocolate-whiskey mix hitting your palate first, leaving behind the light sweet velvetines of the cream. Ah, we sure do want a glass of that now. 

And there was plenty of it in the pre-cocktail celebrations at the Cosmo Blogger Awards 2023 held at the Leela Ambience, Gurugram.

Baileys desserts

We’re talking rows and rows of Baileys’ finest, and not just in the glasses. There were the Baileys China Buns—fluffy baileys and chocolate cupcakes topped with fresh whipped cream and chocolate shavings, Baileys Crème Brûlée—fathom the taste of that with the joy of breaking the glazed sugar top, Baileys tiered dessert—a caramel and cream delight, Baileys Tanqueray—a chocolatey cocktail mixed with baby marshmallows (could there be anything better!), a Baileys chocolate mousse—smoother than the smoothest of things, and so much more. 

It was playful, it was innovative, it was fun! 

And the booth in line with the brief to the T—with pink everything (even the bricks!), which reminded us of Hansel and Gretel and their gingerbread dreams, only this one was made of chocolate, marshmallows, caramel, coffee, and cream. 

baileys counter

There were even mixes to choose from if you wanted too picky, and fruits to pair your drinks with if you were really craving the citrusy freshness of a blueberry perhaps, or just a sprig of mint to cut through the creaminess. 

Influencers drinking Baileys

On a night where the best in the blogging business gathered to celebrate the excellence in the field over the yummiest of food and the most glamorous of fashion, Baileys, with its perfectly curated experience, was a perfect addition of play and frolic. Could there really be anything better than a sip of whiskey-chocolate-creamy decadence in between hors d'oeuvres and maybe even a final bite of the Baileys desserts after the marvellous spread at dinner? We think not. 
