Will COVID-19 Pandemic End in 2021? An Astrologer Predicts

You are not going to like what the stars predict about the Coronavirus pandemic...but there is some good news too!

12 May, 2021
 Will COVID-19 Pandemic End in 2021? An Astrologer Predicts

Living through a pandemic with death and destruction all around us can make reality seem like a nightmare. Unfortunately, you cannot pinch yourself awake from this bad dream.

With vaccines rolling out and medical aid on the way, the question on everyone's mind is when will the COVID-19 pandemic finally end? However, even though we all are eager to put this ordeal behind us and move forward, celebrity astrologer and prophesier Pandit Jagannath Guruji has some good and bad news for you. 

According to him, the COVID-19 virus is here to stay till 2029. However, the situation in India will improve after August.

Based on astrological calculations, he says, "As per the findings, the pandemic will remain very aggressive at least till August. After which, you can expect some semblance of normalcy in India. However, you should not let your guard down because the pandemic shall continue to have a significant impact on our economy in the next few months."

Despite the effect on the Indian economy, he also predicted that the gold prices, which have been on a downward spiral, would stabilize.

Those looking to resume their #wanderlustgoals may have to put that dream on hold for a bit longer. Pandit Jagannath cautions avoiding air travel till at least November, unless absolutely necessary. He also warns that pet parents should amp up the hygiene and disinfecting routine of their furry friends. "The recent reports of the eight Asiatic lions testing positive for COVID-19 was quite shocking for many of us. That is why given the circumstances, I urge people to not take any risks and be very particular about taking proper care of their pets."

Also read: How You Can Help Pets Who have Lost Their Owners to COVID-19

Not surprisingly, the stars also foretell the emergence of yet another variant of the Coronavirus.

He adds, "It is quite possible that another variant of COVID-19 may emerge by November this year. This variant may cause a significant surge in cases in the United States. Meanwhile, if India errs on the side of caution, it can expect the cases to be relatively lesser during this period."

Broadly, the astrological calculations show that there is no respite from the virus for the foreseeable future. Pandit Jagannath predicts that the Coronavirus is likely to be around till the year 2029! 

He says, "COVID-19 is not going to disappear suddenly. In all probability, it is expected to be in our lives till 2029. However, the impact and aggression are likely to simmer down considerably by the year 2025. In India, at least 60-70 per cent of the population is expected to be infected and we may lose nearly 15-20 per cent of them to the virus. There are also signs that the virus may disappear on its own, but there’s a long way to go before that actually happens. So, follow COVID-appropriate behaviour and do not let down your guard."
