Your weekly tarot card reading, by Zodiac Sign

Our resident tarot expert Kerry Ward breaks down what’s in the cards for you this week.

26 April, 2024
Your weekly tarot card reading, by Zodiac Sign

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: Your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!

A general card for everyone: Knight of Wands 

knight of wands

Make it an easy, breezy, fun, and feisty week! Enjoy yourself, throw cautions to the wind, experiment, and be spontaneous. Let life lead you wherever the universe feels you need to be. That's the vibe of the Knight of Wands. This sounds like heaven to some signs (and hell to others—looking at you, Virgo and Capricorn). Being adventurous isn’t always about going on a quest, though; sometimes it can just be about exploring for the sake of it. Limit your plans and leave yourself space to roam. See what happens, who turns up, and what you feel drawn towards. This is going to be a fascinating and unpredictable week!

Aries: Eight of Cups 

8 of cups

It's time to get a disappointment out of the way. You already know it, deep down, but you've been pretending all is well. Nope. It's not working. It didn’t pan out. And now it's a waste of your time and energy. Aries, admit defeat and let it go. The relief will be palpable and immediate. Even better, the Eight of Cups promises that something way better is just around the corner. Release this and get ready for the next bright opportunity, okay?

Taurus: Three of Pentacles 

3 of pentacles

You're a hard worker, Taurus. You push ahead when many others would give up. Your determination and resilience has been noticed, noted, and it's about to be rewarded. The Three of Pentacles puts you in prime position for recognition, opportunity, invitation, and expansion—like a promotion, raise, or job offer. Be visible to people with influence this week. Be confident and proactive about sharing your success. You deserve this.

Gemini: Temperance 


Temperance is about harmony, moderation, and balance. Yawn! You’d rather be pushing boundaries than erecting them. Well, life can’t be lived in extremes 24/7, Gem, and you've been pushing it recently. Come back to the center. Ground yourself. Calm down. Breathe. Relax. You need to settle down and find your feet again, or you risk tipping over into a tsunami of nervous energy and fraught feelings. You can fight the good fight from a firmer foundation.

Cancer: Knight of Pentacles 

king of pentacles

A week of hard work lies ahead, Cancer, but it’s honest, worthwhile, and rewarding work that you feel proud to do. Even better, the Knight of Pentacles brings you all the ideas, insight, and ignition you need to get the job done. And even better still, the Knight promises you will receive rewards and recognition for your efforts. So go get it! It will be easier than you think. It makes a difference, and it’s being noticed. You got this.

Leo: King of Swords 

king of swords

Think about what is best for Future You, Leo, rather than what you want in the immediate here and now. What sacrifices can you make now to help you get closer to a bigger, brighter goal in the long-term future? What seeds can you plant? What actions will start to change your trajectory? Every great achievement has an origin point, and this week is the starting line. The King of Swords asks you to plan for the future.

Virgo: Two of Wands

2 of wands

Focus is your word this week. Adopt a mantra or affirmation like, “My focus is unbreakable. I do what I intend to do.” The Two of Wands reminds you that distraction is the enemy. Know your priorities and your most important tasks. List them out, schedule them, and then do them. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. Promise yourself that you will do what needs doing before you go chill, okay?

Libra: Two of Pentacles 

2 of pentacles

This is a busy week, Libra! The Two of Pentacles is like a visit from Jupiter, bringing you good luck, abundance, variety, and news. Say yes to everything coming your way and get busy living life to the max. The more you do, the more you will discover you can do. The things you get involved in this week can set you up for the rest of 2024, so be optimistic and positive. Say yes!

Scorpio: Seven of Swords

7 of swords

The Seven of Swords is SUCH a Scorpio vibe. It’s the ultimate "suspicious minds" card, warning you of shady behavior (possibly your own). It's telling you to be super cautious about who you share your business with. Frankly, you don’t need to be told any of that, Scorpio—that’s your default mindset. But still, play it super safe this week. Only trust those you know fully and deeply. Don’t expose vulnerability just yet. Keep your big plans and ideas to yourself. You're not being paranoid, you're being careful.

Sagittarius: Two of Cups 

2 of cups

Love is in the air and it’s not even Valentine’s Day yet, Sagittarius. Call this an early check-in from Cupid, because the Two of Cups promises major love action. If you’re single, look out for a love-at-first-sight kinda vibe. Think immediate chemistry with someone that feels natural and comfortable, like you’re best friends as well as passionate about each other. If you’re attached, look for ways to make your other half feel valued, appreciated, loved, and desired. Everything WILL be reciprocated.

Capricorn: Ace of Wands 

ace of wands

Start something new, Cap. You are a cardinal sign (born at the start of a season), so this comes easily to you. The Ace of Wands is a lovely invitation to start a new hobby, routine, project, education, or even a trip. Go out in the world. Be experimental. Be open-minded. Most of all, be enthusiastic about doing something just because you find it fun and interesting, something that makes your life more enjoyable.

Aquarius: Ace of Swords 

ace of swords

Honesty comes easily to you, Aquarius. Your astrological symbol—the water bearer—is meant to represent purity and transparency, so saying what’s on your mind directly and clearly is no problem. The Ace of Swords has you in that mood this week, but it also cautions you to listen more than you talk. What you say will provoke a reaction, and you need to understand the situation fully before responding. See this as a learning curve. There's no pressure to fix things; simply understand what the root causes are and how people feel.

Pisces: The Lovers 

the lovers

The Lovers hints that you’re going to have an interesting week, Pisces, especially when it comes to love and relationships. Maybe a new, hot romance will emerge (possibly with a chatty, charismatic Gemini). Maybe a love triangle will unfold with you at the center (being fought over like you should be!). Maybe a long-running doubt about an existing relationship will evaporate or become clear, enabling you to tackle it. Expect clarity, news, intrigue, and drama. Have fun! 

Also Read: 

Your weekly tarot card reading, by Zodiac Sign 

Let's discuss Pisces and Cancer compatibility 

Credit: Cosmopolitan

Credit: Cosmopolitan