Each Zodiac has a red flag when it comes to dating, and these are the ones to look out for

Let the stars be your guide.

28 August, 2024
Each Zodiac has a red flag when it comes to dating, and these are the ones to look out for

Have you ever met someone and instantly felt something was off about them? Like their vibes just didn’t match? Or you may have connected with someone, only to witness significant cracks beneath the surface of their personality. That’s your first red flag! Red flags exist for a reason, they’re warning signs flashing in the distance. When it comes to the world of romance, these red flags can be early indicators that the relationship might not last. Lucky for you, we broke down each zodiac sign's relationship red flags, so you know just what to expect.



Aries are known to throw temper tantrums when they don’t get their way. Their tendency to overreact paired with their emotional nature leads to dramatic and child-like behaviour, a trait that isn’t suited to mature relationships.


Taureans can be big flirts—they’re always crushing on new people. They might not go all the way, but they wouldn’t turn down a free drink from a cute stranger If you’re secure enough to handle this energy in your relationship, then move full speed ahead with your boo.


Watch out for double trouble with Geminis. Their erratic and unpredictable ways can lead to inconsistency in their moods followed by hot and cold behaviour. One minute you’ll feel the love, and next, they’ll act like you don’t exist.


Cancerians tend to overshare, but they have a secretive side too. They don't necessarily want to exclude their significant other, they’d just rather avoid conflict and discussions about touchy situations.



Leos just can’t let things go. You can almost always count on them to bring up past arguments during a fight. Even after, they might forgive but they'll never forget. Moving on from drama can be difficult when dating this sign.


Virgos are infamous for saying things are fine even when their emotions are simmering beneath the surface. And when that happens, watch out! They’re usually in control of their emotions, which makes their outbursts even more lethal.


Talk about serial monogamy. Librans usually jump from one relationship to another, meaning they never have time to think and make their own decisions or connect with their individual selves. This often makes them people-pleasers, which let's be honest, is among the biggest red flags. 


When Scorpios feel unimportant in relationships, their jealousy can quickly intensify—especially if they feel mistreated. When pushed to the edge, their temper can make them fly off the handle and severely damage relationships.



A fear of being tied down to one person can make Sagis act impulsively and create uncertainty about the future of their relationship. You might notice some flaky behaviour when it comes to plans, and they might even leave you on read for hours!


Capricorns can be very loyal but they can be just as competitive—even with you. This can be confusing, but it’s best to keep an eye out for any low-key shade that might manifest into something more malicious, like feelings of resentment.


Aquarians are used to playing it cool. Being breezy, chill, and aloof about romance can make them seem distant at times. It can be super hard to read and understand what they’re thinking. Their inability to express themselves can lead them to self-sabotage. 


This water sign can get too serious, too fast. Though it may feel good to fall in love, it’s always advisable to slow down and get to know someone better before fully committing. They tend to think idealistically and let their imagination run wild. 

Feature image: Pexels

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