Pixar's New Short Film has Hindu Gods and Goddesses as Superheroes!

Director Sanjay Patel tells the tale of growing up in an Indian household in the US.

21 March, 2018
Pixar's New Short Film has Hindu Gods and Goddesses as Superheroes!

​Pixar's latest animated short film, Sanjay's Super Team, has Hindu deities, like Hanuman, Vishnu and Durga, as superheroes! 

The plot of the movie revolves around the little boy Sanjay and his reluctance to give up watching cartoons in favor of joining his father in his religious beliefs, until he starts imagining the Hindu Gods and Goddesses as superheroes in the movies and comics he read.

In an interview, the director claimed that the story is not only about hindu religion and culture, but has a more universal message about family, and generation gaps. The inspiration for the story comes from Sanjay's own experience of growing up in the US, in a household where his parents were deeply religious and rooted in culture. 

"My parents' whole world revolved around their gods, the Hindu deities," said Patel, in an interview with L.A. Times. "Our worlds were diametrically apart. I just wanted my name to be Travis, not Sanjay."

The movie is going to precede Pixar's latest, The Good Dinosaur

Here, take a look at a clip from the movie:

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=222ztGhX4SE" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="">
