#WorldBathingDay: Sara Ali Khan talks about her bathing rituals and their importance in wellness

Cosmo India chats with the Fiama brand ambassador about her beauty rituals, incorporating wellness practices into her routine, and more.

#WorldBathingDay: Sara Ali Khan talks about her bathing rituals and their importance in wellness

One of the first things anyone might notice about actor, Sara Ali Khan, apart from her stunning looks and quick wit, is her infectious energy. Be it on the big screen or on social media, the actor exudes a natural charm rife with enthusiasm that makes her such a delight to watch. In a word, the actor is like a burst of energy on a gloomy day. Evidently, Khan’s approach to life is refreshingly candid as is her approach to beauty, both of which, stem from her philosophy that beauty and wellness go hand in hand. 

In an exclusive chat with Cosmo India, the Fiama brand ambassador, spoke about the importance of shower rituals and how they are a vital part of her wellness and beauty regimen. Join us as we delve deeper into Khan’s self-care secrets, her at-home spa day essentials, her go-to routine after a long shoot, and more.

Cosmopolitan India: There's been a trend of the everything shower routine. Is it something that you implement in your self-care routine? 

Sara Ali Khan: I strongly believe in the mantra that less is more, so my daily shower routine is typically short and simple. There's something truly comforting about indulging in a warm bath after a long, hectic day. I usually add a few drops of my favourite new Fiama Lavender and Tangerine Shower Gel to my bathwater to refresh, rejuvenate, and moisturise my skin. 

However, there are times when I have more time on my hands and indulge in an extensive shower routine. It's like having a spa day at home—an extension of my self-care routine that leaves me feeling refreshed, relaxed, and at peace.

CI: How important is self-care in your daily routine, and what role does bathing play in it? How do you feel it impacts your daily mindset and productivity?

SAK: Self-care is a huge part of my daily routine, and bathing plays a big role in that. For me, wellness and beauty go hand in hand. I really believe that taking care of yourself is key to feeling and looking good. It's more than just skin deep—it's about nurturing yourself from the inside out and finding that inner balance and glow that shines through.

For me, self-care is meaningful and genuine. When I take care of myself, I find a better balance in my daily life, which keeps me grounded and happy. There are so many ways to unwind throughout the day, from body and skincare routines to just taking a moment to relax. Bathing, especially, is a perfect time to relax, reflect, and recharge. It's not just about getting clean; it's a holistic practice that helps clear my mind and boost my productivity. Bathing is a ritual that enhances my overall wellness, getting me ready to tackle the day with clarity and energy. I also always have my favourite body washes with me which are ITC Fiama shower gels which help moisturise my skin leaving it soft and happy.

CI: How do you unwind after a long day of shooting? Do you have a set routine that helps you decompress? 

SAK: Unwinding is essential for me to feel ready for whatever the next day throws my way. It's all about creating this little sanctuary where I can just relax and give myself some TLC. First, I love to start with a nice warm bath. It's such a simple but effective way to wash away the day's stress. I usually use ITC Fiama Shower Gel, which comes in all these cool scents like Lemongrass, Blackcurrant, Lavender, and more. I pick a variant depending on my mood, throw a few drops into the bath, and just let the magic happen. I love how it makes me feel so fresh, fragrant, and moisturised. 

Once I’m out of the bath, I move on to my skincare routine. I keep it simple with cleansing, toning, and moisturising. It really helps me feel refreshed and taken care of. Post that, I usually try to spend some time reading or listening to music. It’s a great way to shift my focus away from work and immerse myself in something different. And of course, I make sure to have a good, balanced meal. Eating something nutritious helps replenish my energy and keeps me feeling good.
CI: Can you share your skincare philosophy with us? 

SAK: My skincare philosophy is all about simplicity and effectiveness. I believe in a routine that helps you look your best without costing a fortune or taking up too much time. I'm a big fan of ghar ke nuske (home remedies). For instance, malai (cream) and honey make excellent scrubs, and I often use seasonal fruits on my face.

CI: What is one beauty trend from the past that you wish would make a comeback? 

SAK: Going back to using natural ingredients and products that contain natural original ingredients. I think it is already coming back in a lot of ways, people are understanding the power of natural ingredients.

CI: How do you incorporate other wellness practices into your daily beauty routine? Do you believe it contributes to their overall well-being?

SAK: Absolutely! Wellness practices are essential for overall well-being. It's all about creating a balanced lifestyle that nurtures both body and mind.

I set aside an hour each day for meditation or yoga, which helps me unwind and relax. I also dedicate time for exercise, whether it’s Pilates or a quick workout session. Physical activity clears my mind and boosts my energy levels.

Apart from staying active, I maintain a balanced diet and stay hydrated. I also prioritise a proper sleep schedule to ensure I’m well-rested. Reading is another wellness practice I love. It's a wonderful way to relax and escape into different worlds, giving my mind a much-needed break.

CI: Do you have a specific playlist you listen to while taking a bath or shower? What's on it?

SAK: My shower playlist changes depending on my mood. Some days, I’m in the mood for classics like 'Lag Jaa Gale,' 'Baahon Mein Chale Aao,' and 'Tune O Rangile Kaise Jadu Kia'—they’re some of my absolute favourites. When I'm feeling playful and fun, I switch to upbeat tracks like 'Kala Chashma,' 'Aankh Marey' or 'Coca Cola Tu.' It really depends on how I’m feeling at the moment!

CI: If you could design your perfect spa day, what treatments would be included?

SAK: My perfect day would be an indulgent journey of relaxation and rejuvenation. I’d start with a soothing aromatherapy massage to melt away any tension, followed by a luxurious hot stone massage to relax my muscles. I would also like to indulge in a facial or a nice scrub to clean my face and lastly nourish and rejuvenate my skin with a long shower. 

Just talking about it makes me feel relaxed already!

CI: Do you have any DIY beauty recipes or hacks for an indulgent bath experience?

SAK: I'm all about keeping it natural when it comes to beauty, and one of my go-to ingredients is almond. Trust me, it's a game-changer! I've spilt this secret a few times—using almond paste and scrub as a DIY exfoliator. It's like giving your skin a spa day right at home, leaving it super soft and clear. Just mix up some almond paste, give yourself a gentle scrub, and you'll be amazed at how clean and supple your skin feels afterwards. Trust me, it's pure magic!

CI: How has your beauty routine evolved over the years, especially since you started your acting career?

SAK: My beauty routine has undergone quite a transformation. While I still appreciate experimenting with bold and vibrant looks, I've come to recognise that make-up should enhance your natural beauty rather than mask it. It's all about embracing your unique features and celebrating your authentic self.
Nowadays, I find myself gravitating towards a more natural and effortless beauty vibe. There's a certain joy in embracing my real skin and letting my true self shine through. This has not only changed how I approach makeup but also how I see beauty in general. It's all about feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. 

Lead image credit: Genesis BCW

Also read: 6 Fitness Lessons You Can Learn From Sara Ali Khan

Also read: Summer Shower Fun: Elevate your bathing ritual with Fiama Shower Gels
