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India Today Mumbai Conclave

Kim Kardashian: Everything the reality TV star did to get the body she has now

Plus everything Kim did to get the đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ body she has now.

By Jade Biggs
05 March, 2023
Kim Kardashian: Everything the reality TV star did to get the body she has now

From her beauty products to her epic clap backs, Kim Kardashian is known for many things. And one thing in particular that keeps us all transfixed is her body. Yep, the reality TV star turned business magnate's body (especially her booty) is nothing short of impressive—racking up millions of likes on social media every day and making headlines around the world.

It's no wonder then, that so many of us have found ourselves asking what Kim did to get her body. And while some suggest there have been some tweakments here and there, we'll likely never know for sure—but we do know that Kim puts in serious gym time and has refined her diet to stay in shape, too.

With that in mind, what exactly do Kim's sweat sessions at the gym look like? What are her go-to workouts? And does she follow any diets? Here's everything we know about how the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star built her body.

First things first though, let's take a moment to remind ourselves that—as lovely as Kim's body is—our bodies are beautiful too, and none of us needs to change a single thing about what we see in the mirror unless we want to. Plus, isn't it just quite fun to nosey in on what celebrities do in their spare time?

What is Kim Kardashian's workout routine?

Body strengthhhhh

If you ever needed evidence of just how hard Kim goes at the gym, a recent video shared to her Instagram Story is just that. In the post, Kim can be seen effortlessly doing pull-up after pull-up—she doesn't even appear to be breaking a sweat (or grunting, which is defo what I'd be doing if faced with this challenge).

Weight training

When it comes to her booty, Kim is all about weight training. Just take a look at this photo she shared on her Instagram Story, in which she can be seen 'deep squatting' with a barbell. "Squats, we're working on depth", she wrote over the photo.

In another Instagram post, the Keeping Up With The Kardashians alum said: "We’re back in the gym heavy! I would say every six months I take two weeks off from lifting. Sometimes you just need a break to recharge and chill but then I miss it so much and feel so good to be back at it."

But, social media isn't the only place the star has been vocal about her love of weight training. "I work out about an hour-and-a-half every single day, heavy weights, I don't do a lot of cardio," she said, [per People]. "I didn’t see results right away, but when you stick with something and you’re consistent, you will. So, I love it."

BRB, just off to buy ourselves a set of weights...

Early bird catches the worm

Anyone who is a fan of Kim will know she's made no secret of how early she wakes up to work out. Like, before the sun has even risen kinda early.

"Her schedule is crazy, and mine is also crazy, so we work out really early in the morning at 6am," her personal trainer, Melissa Alcantara, told Women's Health. As for what exactly they get up to at that time of the morning, the PT said: "85 percent of our training is weight training, and the other 15 is made up of cardio... Kim loves to work the back of her legs — the hamstrings and the booty!"

Abs, abs, and err, more abs

While all eyes are on her booty, Kim likes to spend extra time focusing on her abs with PT Mel, who told Women's Health that despite working out six days a week together, they "have one day entirely dedicated to abs."

So, what do Kim's abs sessions include? Mel has designed Kim's abs workouts to be easy enough to complete when she's travelling, but still, get her sweating when she hits the gym. "It's simple, yet effective at the same time," Mel says, explaining that the routine includes lying leg lifts, reverse v-ups and bicycle crunches with a clap.

We can literally feel our abs aching already.

Treadmill sprints

Even though she is mostly alllll about that weight training, Kim does get some cardio in too—mostly in the form of sprinting on the treadmill. "Been sprinting every day!" Kim once wrote on her Instagram Story, over a video of herself sprinting on a treadmill. "I've been seeing changes!" she added, before pointing out: "[It's] hard to video and sprint 😂."

Tennis, anyone?

While we're not sure how many matches Kim actually managed to win in this outfit, she was in fact papped [per Elle] playing a match... albeit barefoot and in a bikini. Each to their own, right?

Writing down her fitness goals

Call it manifestation, call it planning – whatever it is, it's working for Kim. Yep, the star's PT revealed that a key part of Kim's fitness regime is writing down her fitness goals... and making sure she achieves them. "When I work with Kim, we like to set goals that we can feel good about reaching," she told Women’s Health. "Once we have a goal set, we write it down. I’ve found that helps hold you accountable. And, it feels amazing when you do finally reach your goal!"

What is Kim Kardashian's diet?

Refuelling with carbs

What you eat after a workout is important – after all, your body needs (and deserves) to refuel after a sweat session – luckily, Kim is well aware of this. "My trainer Mel always says that before and after you train, you should eat simple carbs, like sweet potatoes, and small amounts of fat and protein, like chicken," Kim told the subscribers of her workout app back in 2018, according to a publication. "You should also have veggies with your meals since you need them to help effectively break down and absorb your protein, fat, and carbs."

She went on: "There's a myth that eating carbs is bad, but this isn't true!"

The Atkins diet

Although she's a big fan of carbs now, Kim admitted to following the Atkins diet to lose weight after welcoming her second child, Saint West. "It made me feel so good about myself knowing I had come so far. I had to lose, like, 60 pounds to get there," she said in 2016. "I had just had my second baby. I thought, 'I want to feel sexy again. I want to feel good about myself,' and that was what did it for me."

She went on: "I did a strict Atkins diet. Strict, strict, strict. It was really hard for me to diet [with the] first baby. This time was so much easier and I realised [it comes down to] the food. I mean, I love to work out and you definitely have to work out to tone up, but so much of it is how you eat. I had to really stay focused. I had to cut out all the sweets and I had such a sweet tooth."

Remember though, it's important to speak with your GP if you're thinking about embarking on any diet plan.

Sweet treats... sometimes

Kim has a self-confessed sweet tooth, which means she can't (and won't) cut candy out of her diet forever. Instead, she says it's all about maintaining balance, and allowing herself sweet treats every now and again.

"I love candy. I love cookies," she said, according to E! News. "I just try to control myself!"

Credit: Cosmopolitan