How to Identify Your Skin Type

Before investing in any kind of skin care routine, it's essential to find out your skin type. Do so with these simple tests at home

09 February, 2022
How to Identify Your Skin Type

Identifying your skin type is the primary rule for understanding your skin and lays the foundation for any skincare or makeup regime you may follow! “Since no two people are alike, similarly we all have different skin personalities. Moreover, just like we evolve and change with new experiences, our skin type and what it needs also changes. For example, someone with oily skin in their growing years starts noticing their skin is showing signs of dehydration.

With seven basic skin types: normal, oily, dry/dehydrated, combination, acne-prone, sensitive and mature, it often means that one can get confused about how to treat their skin.” Says Sanchi Sehgal, Founder Ozone Signature.

Hence, to identify the right products for your skin, it is recommended to understand what your skin needs. Considering the foundation of a good skin can be laid with consistency, it is also important to give importance to intuition - what does your skin need help with at this very moment? Remember, the skin is actually an intelligent, self-sufficient organ, it produces what it needs (sometimes in excess!), it just needs a little help to be balanced in the form of skincare products.

Hence, taking the time to learn your skin’s specific needs will help you to choose the correct option, seek solutions, and avoid hit-and-trial skin type identification. This can do great wonders resulting in a healthier, more radiant and better complexion.

The Bare Face Method

Take an extended day-bare face test whereby you start by cleaning your face thoroughly with a mild cleanser that you may have and gently pat dry the skin. After this, you can leave your skin bare and make sure not to apply any additional moisturisers, serums or treatments. Keep your face bare for a few hours, and then examine your cheeks, chin, nose and forehead for any shine. Ensure that you aren’t doing physical activity or not outdoors amidst pollution as this may not give you the right results. Evaluate whether your skin feels parched, especially if you smile or make any other facial expressions, as this means your skin is likely to be dry. “However, if you observe a noticeable shine on your nose and forehead, then it means that your skin is most likely a combination. On the other hand, if there is shine on your cheeks in addition to your forehead and nose, you most likely have oily skin.” Explains Sanchi Sehgal

dry skin

The Balancing Method

When we notice our skin is oily, we quickly assume our skin needs “oil-free” or “oil-removing” products, reaching out for anything to take away oil from the skin. This can be counter-productive! When the skin produces excess oil and the oil is ‘removed’ using harsh surfactants or drying products, the skin gets the signal to produce even more oil! On the other hand, ‘glowing skin’ is actually just a balanced production of sebum on the surface of the skin which makes the skin radiant and dewy.

Therefore, instead of identifying your skin type and featuring products in your routine that do the extreme opposite, try and balance the skin to identify what it needs to treat your skin concerns. This can be done by using a gentle, sulphate free cleanser (one that is not harsh on the skin), followed by a soothing moisturiser and then of course, sunscreen (consistency with sun protection, even when you’re indoors can be a game changer for skin health)! Once you have adopted a balancing skincare routine, identify your skin concerns - fine lines, wrinkles, acne, acne scars, dark circles, pigmentation, blackheads etc. Identifying your skin concerns with a balanced skin care routine can help you introduce the right activities for your skin to be at its best - healthy and glowing!

Sanchi adds, “These two methods are easy to do and quick to implement, which you can try to get clarity on your skin type and choose products accordingly.” While these methods may not reveal any skin sensitivity, it can be an excellent start to observe that by looking at any changes you may see due to continuation or discontinuation of any skin product. This can help you identify if you may have a sensitive skin type or not. Noticing these small changes, flares, or texture changes can help you find out about skin sensitivity!
