India Today Mumbai Conclave
India Today Mumbai Conclave

Struggling with Hair Fall? Here Are Top 6 Myths You Should Stop Believing In

Can wearing a ponytail cause hair fall? Find out if it’s fact or fiction

21 August, 2020
Struggling with Hair Fall? Here Are Top 6 Myths You Should Stop Believing In

We have all been through that panic-ridden feeling of seeing blobs of hair stuck in the bathroom drain. It’s like your worst nightmare coming true. There’s nothing more difficult than seeing your hair thinning. But then trying out every remedy available on the net or that you from a well meaning friend isn’t common sense. There are a lot of myths that have been doing the rounds since time immemorial. So before you hit the panic button you need to sift facts from fiction. Dr Deepali, dermatologist, hair transplant surgeon and founder of Skin and Hair Clinics, says, “Hair growth has six stages and we normally shed 100 hair in a day. Once hair fall starts it continues for three months, before the cycle goes to another phase. Rainy seasons, onset of winter are the times when many people lose hair.”  

Myth #1: Washing your hair frequently can lead to hair loss

This is a common misconception. You need to wash your hair regularly to keep the scalp clean and healthy. As oil, sweat and dirt on the scalp leads to clogging of hair follicles and eventually lead to hair fall. 

hair fall

Myth #2: Hair loss is hereditary

Though genes play a big role in the kind of hair you get but unlike men in women hair loss is often due to some underlying medical condition. Therefore, it is essential to consult a trichologist.

Myth #3: Wearing your hair in a ponytail doesn’t lead to thinning

Tying a tight ponytail can lead to hair breakage. Also if you tie your hair tight they will pull at the scalp and weaken it. “Wearing your hair in a ponytail all the time will lead to lead to traction alopecia and hair fall also,” says Dr Deepali. “Do not keep your hair tied up for 24 hours always allow a breathing time on daily basis and let them open at least for a short while daily,” she adds. 

hair fall

Myth #4: Hair loss is permanent

Not all hair loss is permanent. If it’s happening due to stress, diet or over styling the damage can be reversed. If you have an underlying medical condition that can be treated too. However, if the cause is genetic then the loss is, unfortunately, permanent.

Myth #5: DIY hair packs will arrest the fall

Over doing hair packs won’t do any good cautions Dr Deepali. “Do not use a variety of home packs at one go. For instance, following up hair pack consisting of eggs with another containing vinegar or mehendi will damage the hair. Try on a hair pack once a month, not more,” she adds.

Myth #6: Oiling hair doesn’t help

When you oil your hair with rotatory motion on the scalp it increases blood circulation in the area which gives a boost to hair follicles. “So oiling your hair with any kind of oil is a good way to   control hair fall,” says Dr Deepali.
