Expert-Approved Good Skin Habits to Nail the 'Dumpling Skin' Trend

The glossy, dewy, plump skin inspired by your favourite dimsum is the latest beauty trend and here's how to cop that look. 

05 June, 2020
Expert-Approved Good Skin Habits to Nail the 'Dumpling Skin' Trend

Steamed, glistening and melt-in-your-mouth dumplings seem to have inspired the latest beauty trend - the dumpling skin. Similar to its predecessor, the Korean glass skin fad, this *lewk* is all about flaunting smooth, plump skin with oodles of highlighter or just your natural glow.

So, here's what experts have to say on how to get the lit-from-within-glow without going all out with your makeup:  

Starting from within: Food


All great skin people have an essential good habit - eating right. Stacking your plates with skin-healthy food will give you the much-desired healthy glow and help you feel fitter as well.

Holistic dietitian Shikha Mahajan says, "When we consume any nutrient, our body utilizes it to heal the internal body and organs, and the bones and lean tissue. Once all of this is healed, then the excess nutrients are used for the skin, hair and nails. This is why most doctors look at your skin and tell you if you are undernourished. Acne, pigmentation and wrinkles mean that your body does not have an abundance of micronutrients, and will anytime fall short if there’s a physical stressor. Often skin problems are a sign of bad digestion, liver problems, or even IBS. While we often just visit a dermatologist for our skin issues, it is wise to meet a gastro specialist or dietitian for these issues."

Here's her basic diet plan to get glowing skin:

* Wake up – green tea+ lemon

* Teatime – 1 glass almond milk+ coffee+ 1 spoon honey

* Breakfast – green smoothie with berries and banana

* Mid-day snack – 150 ml yogurt+ 7-8 walnuts+ 1 date

* Lunch- 2 chapatti+ 1 katori dal+ 1 bowl vegetables + salad

* Evening snack – 1 glass almond milk+ 2 fruits+ 1 tsp chia seeds as a smoothie

* Dinner- 2 egg+ 1 wholegrain toast+ 1 bowl vegetable soup

* Bedtime snack – green tea+ 2 dates

Solving skin issues

glowing skin

Some skins are just more prone to breakouts, rashes or sensitivity. So, while altering your lifestyle may help you out, you would still require a skin expert to combat the beauty woes for good.  

Dermatologist Dr Geetika Mittal shares her tips to get glowing lit-from-within skin: 

-I think an avocado-honey mask with Vitamin E oil is a good fix for days you want that instant glow.

-I’m a big fan of sheet masks so if you have 15-20 minutes, just slap on a sheet mask and hydrate!

-Opt for drip therapy, it’s new in India, we have REVIV at ISAAC Luxe which offers patented IV drips and booster shots with vitamin C, B12, acids, peptides and antioxidants that make you glow and heal.

-Meditate. Anxiety and stress are the biggest causes of ageing skin. Take out those 5 minutes and find your centre.

-Lastly, load up on good fats and try to cut out sugar and dairy to avoid inflammation.

Makeup is forgiving

Contrary to popular opinion, you don't have to apply tonnes of layers to nail this glistening look. The key lies in using your concealer/foundation only to spot correct leaving the rest of skin primed and bare. 

Celebrity makeup artist Jordan Liberty says, "I actually don’t use foundation. I use concealer almost exclusively. This makes the skin look luminous and fresh in photographs. If someone has 3 blemishes, they usually go for full coverage whereas I am like 'Let's just cover only those three and use maybe a tinted moisturizer over the rest of the face'. That way the makeup looks less cakey, lasts longer because the more makeup you have on your skin, the more you need to set it and the more it may crack or crease over the day."
