6 Common Makeup Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

From the stubborn mascara stains over the eye to the not-so-naturally-rosy round pockets sitting on those cheeks, makeup mogul Ashima Kapoor tells you the 'don'ts'.

26 May, 2020
6 Common Makeup Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

All the way from ‘Oops I’ve over-lined the lips a bit too much’ to 'Oh, doesn't my face look too white?', there are a multitude of often unnoticeable (only to you, mind you) makeup mistakes that you may fall victim to on a daily basis. While some may be 'eww-worthy' and appalling, you might get away with the others. But at the end of the day, mistakes are mistakes and you must make a conscious effort to avoid them!

Mistake 1: I did a swipe with my concealer, but my dark circles are still visible!

You know which is one of the most common makeup mistakes? Wrong application of concealer! Many people tend to pull or glide after applying concealer, however, this solely enhances the problem areas on your face. One must always dab the concealer on the specific area in order to conceal. 

Mistake 2: My foundation starts coming off too soon!

People often skip on prepping the skin before applying makeup. It is always advisable to opt for a good moisturiser and primer to apply to the skin beforehand. The primer acts as a protective layer between the skin and the foundation and will help the foundation last longer.

Mistake 3: Does the bronzer go on my cheek bones, legs or what?

Here comes another one... the wrong usage of bronzer on the face. While a bronzer is to be used on the centre of the forehead, the cheekbones and the jawline to give a sun kissed look, some people end up using it all over the face! (Please don't do that)

Mistake 4: How do I really blend? Is there a specific brush or just go with my finger? 

One often messes up by following the wrong blending techniques. The key to natural makeup is to adopt the correct blending techniques. Go ahead and watch a few YouTube tutorials to know the right way to blend.

Mistake 5: Why aren't are my lips looking like Kylie's just yet?

More often than not, a harsh or different coloured lip-liner makes the face looks clownish. Use a lip liner and fill the fuller lip within, after which don't forget to blend one into the other using your lipstick. Make sure that the lipstick and lip liner aren't looking separated from one another (pro-tip: go for similar shades of colour)

Mistake 6: I stained my eyelid with mascara and now my face is ruined!

It never came to mind to use a q tip? Contrary to popular belief, it is advisable to remove the mascara stain with a q tip once it has dried up, rather than when it is still wet. If you try to remove it while its still wet, its bound to smudge. 

