
25 Things Guys Have Really Got to Stop Doing, Right Now

Mar 8, 2018
Here, curated from the thread and its 15,000+ replies, is a selection of the bestest worstest things guys are doing and need to NOT DO ANYMORE, LIKE FROM NOW ON, RIGHT NOW:1. Unsolicited dick pics, specifically, because as Redditor LewisLuwi notes, "If I wanted to see it, I would have told you."Bonus, this comment in reply: "I took the collection of dick pics I've gotten over the years and turned them into a digital "cock bouquet" and I would send them as a reply to any unsolicited dick pics." Cock bouquets need to be a new trend with florists ASAP.
2. ground_hogs.
3. quiveringfleshbeast. On this note, a serious explainer: "It is very scary to be walking alone and have a man yell out of a car or the side of the street something sexual and usually assault-like. "I want to grab your tits," "NICE RACK," "I'd fuck you sideways". Those are all SCARY. Because every time it's someone who could [do so] if they wanted to just do that and I couldn't stop it. They are bigger than me. They are stronger than me. Having it shoved in my face with it being yelled at me is terrifying."
4. laladyhope.
5. peachskylines.
6. Serazael. Consider this a two-part lesson though, guys, because ...
7. macdr.
8. NotHereToArgue. And this is why there's a "Ban Bossy" campaign.
9. offensivegrandma, who notes that "[by asking], you have instantly invalidated every woman's emotions about anything. If something is upsetting me, I am allowed to be upset about it."
10. SchrodingersVacation. And in further real talk: "If you have to point it out, that generally means it is not seen in your normal actions, therefore you are NOT, in fact a nice, gentlemanly person. FYI."
11. eifos, who notes that "my female friends complain about the same thing sometimes, but I've never heard a man tell another man they should smile [more]."
12. wineandfingcheese.
13. sashimi_taco. Additional thoughts from sashimi_taco, which is a great Reddit username, include "stop peeing on the back of the toilet." Which is a key point; it's the worst.
14. phlegmma, who also offers a coping-with-this-bullshit strategy: "my most recent tactic is making eye contact with the uncomfortable party [in this situation] and saying 'balls.'"
15. myrealgrandparents.
16. spunkychunkofbutter.
17. denko-chan.
18. alazyrebellion. More on this KEY POINT: "If you have invested time and energy in a woman who has expressed a clear disinterest in you and you expect a romantic outcome you will always be disappointed. Move along, accept someone as a friend or don't. Believe it or not most women don't want to be pawed after by someone they aren't attracted to."
19. Marshmellowin. Also, see above re: personal hygiene.
20. arwen443.Fun fact: this stock photo model once appeared on America's Next Top Model (cycle 13; she was eliminated first, poor thing).
21. misscannabliss. Click the link for all sorts of awful pickup lines from guys who haven't yet taken this lil' piece of good advice.
22. qaboutp, who continues to note that, "YOU, sir, will certainly not be cumming in me with that attitude." And "sir" is putting it politely.
23. xsfoolishness. This is a particularly important one, because, as they note, "tolerating it makes it seem okay and you share that line of thinking."
24. zombie_butterfly. I mean, yeah, don't do this.
25. Ragdoll_Proleteriat.OK, so what other ~*bAD hAbITs is this list missing?
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