
Things a narcissistic person says during confrontation

They're definitely always the problem!

May 25, 2024

Navigating a relationship with a narcissistic person can be an emotionally taxing experience. Their lack of emotional support, empathy, and sensitivity are some of the toxic traits their partners have to deal with. They are masters at manipulation and will always gaslight your opinion. Moreover, their lack of accountability can be frustrating to deal with, especially in an argument.

Of course, they think the world revolves around them. In reality, delulu may not be the best solulu for narcissists. Now confronting a narcissist about their behaviour can be tough as they often react poorly to confrontations.

If you’re unsure, here’s how you know you’re dating a narcissist. Here are five common examples of how a narcissist may respond in a confrontation.

“How is this my fault?”

A narcissist will often deflect blame onto others to avoid accountability and protect their ego. It’s their way of shifting the focus from their actions and onto the accuser, trying to invalidate their concerns and manipulate the conversation in their favour. They will try to maintain a sense of control and superiority in the interaction by portraying themselves as the victim or downplaying their role in the situation.

“I could have been with anyone, but I chose you”

Narcissists love to satisfy their ego by seeming like they are better than you. They want to make sure you know you’re lucky they chose you over “other people” who were swooning over them; like they did you a favour by being in a relationship with you. This way, they can control the situation and make you feel small, which sets a power dynamic in the relationship.

“You’re jealous of my success”

If you ever confront a narcissist, they will make sure you feel bad about it. One way to do that is by dismissing your concerns and making it seem like you’re just jealous of them. They use this tactic to manipulate the situation and make you doubt yourself. Once they realise they have emotionally crushed you, they further add to the pain by saying “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but you know I am right.”

“You’re the problem, not me”

Given how narcissists hate owning up to their actions, they often resort to gaslighting. They will use your past and your secrets to make you doubt yourself, making you think you might actually be the problem in the relationship and not the other way around. 

“I don’t need to justify myself to you”

When a narcissist gets called out, they will try to end the conversation in order to avoid explaining themselves. According to them, they’re always right and hate being questioned or challenged. They'll brush off your concerns, asserting their power to make you feel like your opinion doesn't count and that they're beyond needing to explain themselves.

“You’re lucky to have me in your life”

Narcissists want to make themselves seem like a vital part of your life, even when you’re upset with them. It’s a senaky way for them to manipulate the situation and make you feel like you should be grateful for their presence, regardless of their behaviour. This statement helps them stay in charge and stroke their own ego.

Also read: Lessons that my string of unhealthy relationships taught me

Also read: Are you the walking red flag in your relationship?

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