
Blind dates need to stage a comeback

The good old-fashioned “set-up” needs to be back!

Aug 26, 2024

Remember when meeting someone was an adventure and not just a Thursday night scroll. Dating app burnout is real, so I’ll be the first to say that it’s time to ditch the apps and bring back the concept of blind dates!

Let’s address the elephant in the room: online dating apps have made us vain and picky. We’re all guilty of swiping left on someone just because their fourth photo gave us the ick. And sometimes you just miss that window to meet someone IRL, you text for days and find yourself overthinking the actual date. But on a blind date, you have no choice but to give it a shot. You’re obligated to show up and pay attention (and maybe even form a meaningful connection).

Image credit: Pexels

The mysterious nature of blind dates is what makes them so electrifying! In an age where privacy is a myth, and we can stalk anyone and everyone, going on a date with someone you know nothing about makes it so much more interesting. It helps keep your inner “Joe” (Netflix’s You) in control. Will they have a great fashion sense? What kind of music do they like? The possibilities are endless, and that anticipation is better than any butterflies you’ve felt. And let’s face it, “We met online,” can seem like a boring story. But telling people, “My work friend set me up on a blind date with his bestie”? Now that's a meet-cute straight out of a romance novel or rom-com.

We know what you’re thinking, “What if he’s a creep?” Your concern is valid, but you're not going into this completely blind—in this internet age, it's nearly impossible to do so. Your mutual friend can offer you reassurance and even provide necessary background details. And let's be honest, the worst-case scenario on a blind date is still better than a one-sided, monotonous small talk on a Hinge date. Plus, you can always have your friend call you with a convenient “emergency” if needed. 

Image credit: Pexels ​

So how do you hop onto this retro trend? Start by putting the word out, to your friends and family, your chatty coworkers, neighbours, and anyone remotely normal. Let them know you’re open to being set up and who knows? They might just introduce you to "the one."

I think it’s time for everyone to embrace a little more optimism. Blind dates encourage you to be fully present, offering a chance to experience something beautifully awkward with another person. So, take a leap of faith—embrace the unknown, and who knows? You might find the perfect partner. Fun fact: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle met on a blind date! Your future love story could be just a friend of a friend away. And if not, at least you’ll have a great story to share at parties! 

Feature image: Pexels

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