
9 Pinterest Cleaning Hacks That Will Totally Ruin Your Stuff

Do not try these at home.

Mar 8, 2018

So here's the main problem with this: Hairspray is super sticky (hence, why it's great for flyaways), so when you spray it on your curtains, it leaves your fabric tacky, not soft and free-flowing. Also, according to Carolyn Forte, director of our Cleaning Lab, it just won't work because hairspray's chemistry is different from traditional static spray.

The main issue here is using fresh dryer sheets. Unused sheets have a softener on them that's designed to transfer to your clothes during drying — so if you rub your chair with a sheet with the cleaner still on it, that same softener could transfer to the upholstery. Worst case: an annoying stain! But, Forte says, it's OK to dust wooden furniture with used sheets.

We get it: A bulky bleach bottle isn't the prettiest when you want to cute up the laundry room. A decorative glass container may seem Pinterest-perfect, but bleach is powerful stuff and can actually break down glass jars over time. Forte strongly recommends against decanting it: "Taking any cleaning product out of its original packaging, which has necessary safety precautions, is a really bad idea."

Oops! You forgot to use a coaster and now your pretty tabletop has cup marks. If you're looking for a quick fix, this isn't it. Vinegar is an acidic ingredient, Forte explains, so when you rub it on finished wood, it could harm the polish, which is designed to seal and protect your furniture. By the way, the same goes for washing your wooden floors with a vinegar mixture! Just stick to our approved methods.

Acidic vinegar strikes again! Yep, white vinegar really isn't a home cure-all and definitely keep it away from leather. It could damage the soft material, instead of giving it the promised brighter and cleaner finish.

Here's another wood no-no. Olive oil will leave a tacky trail in its wake, which Forte says will attract dust and grime. And, ugh, who wants to create more things to clean?

The goal here is to protect your good glasses from damaging movement by placing them on the rack, stems up, and wrapping bands around the cup and drawer tines (see it in action here). Well, chances are it will do the exact opposite. "If the rubber band snaps during the cycle, the glasses could shift and crack," Forte warns. Best practice: Only place stemware on the dedicated rack holders.

A wax paper barrier between sheets, pillowcases, and other folded fabrics is supposed to prevent color from transferring, but in reality, the wax surface could melt off on the linens — especially if you store your collection in a hot attic or closet. The best way to protect them is by using sheets of acid-free tissue paper instead.

Remember how wood and water aren't a good mix? Well, damp tea bags are definitely a problem too. Not to mention tea is a dye and could change the surface color of your furniture.

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