
Zodiac signs who have the hardest time after a breakup

Is your sign on this list?

Jul 31, 2024

Have you ever noticed how one of your friends gets over a breakup quickly, while another still hangs onto her ex from four years ago? Well, everyone knows that breakups are hard; it’s a no-brainer. However, did you also know that the amount of time you take to get over someone is at least partially (we can’t take away from other factors) dictated by your Zodiac sign?

Yes, you read that right. The way we process a breakup can vary based on our Zodiac sign. And this includes the amount of time we take to get over our ex and put ourselves out there. Today, we are going to discuss some of the signs that have spent an excruciating amount of time to get over heartbreak. Signs like Cancer, Virgo, and Taurus have a very hard time letting go of someone they once loved. Read on to know the details!


Every time a Taurian gets into a relationship, they intend to make it their last. They run high on emotion and love being in intense relationships. They are the kind of people who pick out their wedding outfits on the third date. They value the companionship, teamwork, and bond they share with their partner. And so, when any of their relationships end, Taurians take a long, long time to get over it and put themselves out there. They tend to ruminate over the past a lot. This puts them at the number one spot on our list of signs that have a hard time dealing with a breakup.


Capricorns don’t get attached to people very easily. And once they do and once they commit to someone, they’re all in. If they love someone, it’s because they see a future with them. The concept of having one foot out the door doesn't exist for them. And so, when the relationship doesn’t work, Capricorns find it very hard to recover and find closure. 


It's no secret that Cancerians are some of the most sensitive in the lot. They are extremely loving, generous, and caring. When they embark on a romantic relationship with someone, that person becomes their whole world. If something goes wrong, a Cancerian would rather work on the relationship than let their partner walk away. However, when a relationship ends, they are left to wonder what more they could've done. What ensues is a spiral that makes it very difficult for them to let go and move on. 


When it comes to relationships, Scorpions are often misunderstood. While this water sign is characterised by its passion and kinkiness, when they fall in love they are simps for their partner. With them, it’s all about trust. And so, a break-up hits Scorpions harder than it would for most people. They experience heartbreak at the same intensity that they feel everything else. And owing to their vindictive nature, they tend to keep an eye on their ex-partner’s life, which makes them overthink everything that happened, making it harder for them to move on. 


At their very core, Virgos are perfectionists. They will try their very best to make things work in a relationship. They shoulder the burden of ensuring everything goes smoothly. So, when something goes wrong and they are left with a broken heart, they take very long to come out of that haze. 

Lead image credit: Netflix 

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