
What does semen taste like? We asked 16 people...

...and let's just say their answers varied.


While you might not crave the taste of cum like you would a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, semen has gotten a bad rap. (No offense to SATC queen Samantha Jones, but it’s not all “funky tasting spunk”—IYKYK.) In reality, oral sex is an entirely subjective experience that feels and tastes good for some, and maybe…not as great for others.

Some people describe the taste of semen as bitter, salty, or sour, while others find it sweet. That’s because not only is everyone’s palate different, but so is the actual cum itself. Let’s put it this way: Just because you couldn’t spit it out fast enough with someone else, doesn’t mean you’ll feel the same about your new partner. Their taste of their semen can also change over time—it honestly just depends!

As certified sex therapist and associate director at Modern Sex Therapy Institutes Holly Richmond, PhD, points out, “semen tastes different from person to person, and can change throughout the day, weeks, months, and years depending on certain lifestyle changes.”

Diet and smoking habits can also affect the way cum tastes, she adds. “Celery, pineapple, papaya, and wheatgrass are considered detoxifying and can make it less sour, bitter, and salty. On the other hand, foods like garlic, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, meat, and dairy can make it more pungent and bitter tasting.”

Whether you’re a devoted spitter, love to swallow, or haven’t experienced it for yourself just yet, here’s what 15 readers had to say about semen and how it actually tastes.

“Cum tastes like a slimy salty goo.” —Hailey, 27

“Some are bitter, some are more salty, some are thick and some are runnier. It really differs. None taste amazing but they’re not all decidedly unpleasant. The most you can hope for is a mild load.” —Isi, 28

“I don’t really think semen has a strong taste, but it is salty and there is a little bit of a tang to it.” —Alexa, 30*

Very similar to sour glue, not that I’ve tasted sour glue.” —Emilia, 26*

Sweet if the diet is right. Bitter as fuck otherwise.”— Alex, 26*

“The texture and look is similar to Pillsbury cinnamon roll icing that has been out of the oven sitting for 15, maybe 20 minutes. But instead of it being sweet, it’s salty—yet not like any other salty snacks you’ve had before.” —Virginia, 27

“It’s a tolerable taste, but not something you would choose to snack on if it were an actual food item. The aftertaste lingers, leaving you with ‘sucking-dick breath,’ and the saltiness eventually fades away.” —Michelle, 24

It tastes almost like salty vomit…but you’re not exactly grossed out by it, but it still tastes funny and weird. Like when you vomit in your mouth maybe!” —Caitlin, 25

“The texture is like mucous—the kind you have stuck in the back of your throat. Warm, salty mucous.” —Adrienne, 24

“Honestly, I don’t think it tastes like much. The best way I’d describe it is slightly bitter water!It doesn’t taste as bad as people might think.” —Veronica, 29

"I think it tastes like oysters, but I hate oysters. So in other words, it’s slightly bitter and slimy yet somehow bland at the same time.” —Hannah, 25

“It tastes like you took some cheap hotel shampoo and dumped an insane amount of salt in it. Not a fan.” —Caroline, 23

“It’s the texture of watered-down Elmer’s glue with a dash of salt added for flavor.”
—Lilian, 31

“It’s like congealed coconut water. It’s not bad, it’s just like…a strong presence in your mouth that’s flavorless.” —Haley, 25

“It tastes like old pennies. Like, musty old pennies. Really.” —Rachel, 24

“Thick milk. Actually, not thick—thicc.” —Gina, 29

Oh, and P.S.: No matter what semen does or doesn’t taste like, remember, it’s totally your call whether you spit, swallow, or don’t do anything with it at all. Oral sex is your decision—so do with it what you want!

*Name has been changed.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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