
What to Do If Your Face Mask is Giving You Acne

A Dermat tells you why your face is breaking out under the mask and what you need to do

Jul 17, 2020

Face masks protect us from the deadly virus but they bring with them, their own set of challenges. Breakouts and irritations are some of the problems that we bet you are facing, if you wear the mask for long. Well, if you follow Korean beauty brands, there are chances by now you must have come across “maskne essentials” listed on their websites. Other beauty brands are putting up blogs about “maskne”—acne and irritation from wearing a mask. Breakouts on the face due to the masks are a real thing and you are not alone, people have been posting about it on social media.

What causes maskne?

The eruptions or acne that occurs due to wearing mask is called "maskne". When you wear a mask for a long time, it comes in contact with the skin and due to the ensuing friction, the skin breaks out. Also due to humidity, sweat gets trapped inside the mask leading to acne,” explains Dr Deepali Bharadwaj, dermatologist and hair transplant surgeon, founder of Skin and Hair Clinics.   

Another reason is, since many wash their masks at home, the detergent residue that tends to stay back, causes skin irritation. According to experts, the best way to destroy germs is to keep the mask out in the sun for a few hours. Keep a set of masks (do not depend on a single one) and wear them alternatively. 

How can your prevent it?

1. “Dehydration is a major cause of acne. Keep the skin hydrated by moisturising it. Apply sunscreen, follow it up with moisturiser before wearing the mask. Sunscreen first to form a layer of protection and then moisturiser to lock in the moisture,” says Dr Deepali.

2. Don’t wear masks for too long. “You need to take a break. If you are driving the car alone or cycling around, do not wear the mask, keep it around your neck. Put it on, if you need to talk to someone,” advises Dr Deepali.

3. Keep a thermal spray handy. “Pull down your mask and spray it on your face. If you don’t have thermal spray use rose water. This will keep the skin hydrated. Ensure the mask remains dry as a wet mask will become the breeding ground for the virus,” advises Dr Deepali.   

4. Choose the right fabric for your mask. Don’t go for woven fabrics and choose a mask that’s well ventilated. This will bring down sweating and irritation. 

How can it be treated?

Try a home remedy to soothe the skin at the end of the day. Dr Deepali suggests you mix freshly squeezed tomato juice with sandalwood powder and make a face wash. If your skin is dry add curd and if it’s oily, add Multani Mitti. Apply the mixture on your face and after a minute wash it off. This will take care of the breakouts. “Maskne does not leave behind marks unless you burst with your fingers. So try not to do that,” advises Dr Deepali.

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