
This is what Aquarius Risings are *really* like

The stars don’t lie!

By Monisha Holmes
Dec 26, 2022

Welcome to the weirdo zone! We’re talking about Aquarius Risings, so release your notions of normality and be prepared to see some odd behaviour.

But before we get into it: Unlike your Sun sign, which is determined by your birthday, your Rising sign is determined by the time you were born. To get specific, it’s determined by which zodiac sign was on the eastern horizon when you were born, and it changes every two-ish hours. You can be an Aquarius Sun and Aquarius Rising, Scorpio Sun and Aquarius Rising, Taurus Sun and Aquarius Rising—you get the idea. If you don’t know your Rising sign, grab your birth time (or your best estimate) and head to a free birth chart calculator.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign that’s traditionally ruled by the planet Saturn and in modern times is ruled by Uranus. If you’re not familiar with Aquarius’s story, it’s a doozy. Basically, Cronus (aka the Greek equivalent to the Roman god Saturn) ate all his godly children (except for Zeus) because he wanted to maintain his power. Fortunately for the baby gods, Zeus was spared, and in turn, he cut his father’s stomach open, freeing his siblings. Aquarius symbolizes Cronus’s willingness to maintain power as well as the shortcomings that would lead a god to want to sabotage his own to secure his position.

All this means is that Aquarius surely isn’t a sign to be played with. Aquarius Risings are absolute oddballs who definitely come off as chill, but if you ever get in the way of their purpose, then you should expect them to respond with quickness. Thanks to their modern ruling planet Uranus, the planet of chaos and rebellion, Aquarius Risings are no strangers to feeling confused and cornered. As a result, much of Aquarius Rising’s existence is dedicated to maintaining order and making as much sense of the world as they can—especially if that means making a world for themselves to live in. Their community is everything to them, and they best believe they’ll have no problem fighting to protect it.

The Aquarius Rising basics

Element: Air

Modality: Fixed

Ruling planets: Saturn and Uranus

Represented by: The water-bearer

Aquarius Rising celebrities: Nicki Minaj, Lindsay Lohan, Christina Aguilera, Khloé Kardashian, Selena, Zendaya, Carl Jung, Lionel Messi

The Aquarius Rising mindset

Aquarius Risings walk through the world with an unconventional mindset—cliché, I know, but it’s true. If the crowd goes left, Aquarius Rising goes right. Now, don’t get me wrong: Aquarius Risings love to rep their set, but as a fixed air sign ruled by Saturn, they can be aloof (like Aquarius Moons) and self-righteous (like Aquarius Suns). It goes without saying that some Aquarius Risings—not all, but some—could benefit from learning how to acknowledge when they’re wrong (this is coming from a Sagittarius, LOL).

The Aquarius Rising mindset is actually far more affectionate and kind than people give them credit for. Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, after all, and that shows up in Aquarius Risings’ daily life. They are continuously showing up for the people they care about, taking the time to hold the woes and stresses of their kinfolk.

However, Aquarius Risings may come off as aloof and standoffish because they recognize that listening to people usually comes with an enormous amount of weight. They know all too well that showing up for people is a commitment! For an Aquarius, there is no making a promise to someone and then letting them down by ghosting. Even though Aquarius is notorious for fading away when they no longer want to be around, usually it’s for a valid reason. Sorry not sorry, Aquarius Risings have so many people and tasks to tend to that they can’t surround themselves with energetic vampires.

Bottom line: Aquarius’s unique POV makes them wonderful to have around, especially if you’re starting a major project or inciting a personal revolution—but not so much if you’re trying to reinvent the sundial (get it, Rising sign?).

Aquarius Rising's learning style
Aquarius Risings are inward learners, preferring to teach themselves as opposed to having others tell them how to think. Calling them independent leaders is an understatement. They take their time to research their ideas to find others who will back what they’re thinking.

Even though some Aquarius Risings are hesitant to collaborate with people outside of their reality bubble, it’s when they do service for others that their minds expand with new knowledge. In many cases, Aquarius Risings learn by being the first person to do something, which in many cases can lead people to think that they’re the "weirdos" of the group. Even if an Aquarius Rising is coming up with a strange idea, usually it’s something that’s innovative. And if their idea kicks off, they often get the reputation of being a genius in some form or fashion. When an Aquarius Rising is not acting from a place of high self-esteem they might fall into the trap of confirmation bias, meaning they will only seek out and accept information that reinforces their beliefs– even if it’s wrong.

Aquarius Rising at work

Aquarius placements are extremely hard workers. When they commit themselves to a mission, they’re all in. Emphasis on the mission, by the way: Aquariuses are unlikely to pledge themselves to people, even those they appreciate, admire, and respect. They know everyone is fallible and would rather dedicate themselves to a project or cause than a boss. As a result, Aquarius Risings tend to have a certain kind of detachment at work that helps them make it through this capitalistic society. Yep, you heard me: Out of all the Rising signs, Aquarius Risings are most likely reading Karl Marx in their cubicle and thinking about paths to structural equity.

Aquarius Risings are thought leaders who can be a little ahead of their time. They’re quick-witted and impatient, bringing the best ideas to meetings and then getting bored when they have to spend the next hour hearing everyone’s bad ones. Don’t expect Aquarius to do any micromanagement though—they believe in community, but they also believe that you should be able to find your own way.

These water bearers also tend to gravitate toward caring professions, so you shouldn’t be too surprised if you learn that the director of a nonprofit or your local community organiser is an Aquarius Rising! Aquarian values = holding spaces for the underdog and standing up for people who are marginalized. They are so caring, even to a fault. Aquarius Risings truly value making the world a better place.

It’s important to understand that more often than not, Aquarius Risings always have work in the back of their mind. That doesn’t mean they are always thinking about work, but the experiences they have with friends and family inform their labour. You’ll also find that they very much represent whatever career they are in. They are one of those types of people who make their career a big part of their identity, which isn’t always a bad thing! Their passion is very appealing.

Aquarius Rising in Relationships

There’s a stereotype that Aquarius energy doesn’t make for a loyal or proud partner—but if you’re arguing this, you might have been the problem! In friendship, business, and love, Aquarius Risings take their social relationships very seriously. In their own way, they will fight tirelessly for the people they care about, summoning revelations from dreams and becoming masterful researchers if need be. An Aquarius Rising will have no issues putting you on a pedestal and celebrating all your achievements. They want someone to root for and believe in, and it makes them feel good to have someone they can be proud of.

Spontaneous, fun, and lighthearted, Aquarius Risings thrive when they are in partnerships that enable personal freedom and independence. If they seem standoffish, it’s probably because they’ve overexerted themselves—try not to take it personally. To maximise your relationship, consider what you can do for Aquarius Rising as opposed to just accepting what Aquarius Rising can do for you.

Look at their friend group, and you might notice something: They tend to gravitate toward creatives, performers, artists, and people who are famous in their field. Long story short, Aquarius Risings have a very diverse network of people, and that helps them accomplish many of their aims. If you need to get in touch with a public figure to support your cause, don’t hesitate to call Aquarius Rising. Chances are, they know just the person who will volunteer their time for a benefit or a social event.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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