
The Secret, Unhealthy Ways Your Friends May Be Losing Weight!

and healthier alternatives to shed those stubborn calories.

Dec 14, 2020

The notion of an 'ideal' body type has urged many men and women to conform to socially-approved standards of beauty. Whether it entails following a well-defined, no-cheat day diet plan or simply popping in a pill, they're ready to take the plunge, come what may.

Fortunately, the recent rise of the body positivity movement has brought about a welcome change in this skewed perception of beauty. However, you'd still find a bunch of your friends resorting to unhealthy (potentially dangerous) ways to keep up with the demands of society! 

"Attempting to chase the 'ideal body' type has indeed prompted many young men and women to rely on unhealthy weight loss practices. And, besides having a physical impact on the body, these practices have severe psychological effects on individuals too, further contributing to chronic mental illnesses," informs Preety Tyagi, lead health coach, nutritionist and founder of MY22BMI.

Continual indulgence in the fantasy of being 'skinny' can cause one to spiral into a vicious pattern of unhealthy lifestyle habits. The persistent drive for thinness may give way to mental health disorders such as 'anorexia nervosa', which involves rapid weight loss due to self-induced starvation, increased exercise, misuse of laxatives etc. And, those who fail to engage in self-control may experience sporadic bouts of binge eating, and to compensate for the over-eating and tackle the feeling of guilt afterwards, resort to self-induced vomiting or the repeated use of laxatives.

Besides adopting unhealthy food habits associated with an underlying mental condition, many people opt for pills that are considered to be 'fat blasters', 'carb blockers' and 'hunger suppressants. "Often available at pharmacies, people are of the belief that popping these pills, coupled with minimal food intake will lead to dramatic weight loss. However, this may not always be true," says Preety. "Weight loss pills do not guarantee any long-term benefits and solely provide temporary relief from weight gain. Besides, over-consumption of these medicines may lead to a significant upheaval in hormone levels," she adds. Seem to be forgetful lately? Well, these pills contribute to memory loss as well. 

"If you find yourself stuck in a state of helplessness and mental anguish, seek professional help immediately. The most important matter is to restore the nutritional condition of a person and maintain a healthy body weight. In some cases, the earlier you seek medication, the more likely you are to recover entirely," advocates Preety.

"Consult a well-trained nutritionist or dietitian who can help you chart out a well-structured, achievable diet plan, designed keeping in mind your food habits, exercise routine, lifestyle preferences etc. Fill your daily diet with optimal amounts of protein, healthy fats, plenty of fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables, and probiotics, for a well-balanced meal. To keep your digestive system boosted, include a wide range of fruits and veggies; include a decent portion of cooked as well as raw vegetables every day. Get yourself a reliable wellness coach who you can vouch for and one who can help you through the entire process; the obstacles, your concerns, alterations in the meal plan etc," she adds. 

It's no news that the route to weight loss and fitness is incomplete without a structured exercise regime. Besides, daily exercise not only guarantees a healthy weight but also keeps your hormones in check and improves your mental health!

Also, keep well-hydrated. Remember, water has ZERO calories. As you get your healthy food habits in place, make it a point to go on a full detox diet for 3 days in a row, every 15-20 days. Kick-start your morning with detox water which will preserve good health and will also help you shed the unwanted calories.

All in all, get your facts in place—skinny is out, the fit is in!

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