
Pre-workout nutrition: Foods to eat before hitting the gym

Make your workout work for you by eating right.

Jun 7, 2024

Getting yourself out of bed in time to work out is difficult enough without the sluggishness following us around as we exercise. It’s no fun for anyone. Thankfully though, by picking the right kind of food to eat before working out, you can turn your workout into something that’s working hard for you instead of it being the other way around. It’s all about giving your body the protein and the carbs it is craving at the right time.

From oatmeal and bananas to coffee, we’ve rounded up 5 nutritious foods that you can eat before you face your fears on the elliptical machine. 


If you paid attention in your 8th-grade biology class then you know that carbs are the best source of energy. They break down into glucose which then acts like fuel for our body. Muscles then store this glucose in the form of glycogen to provide bursts of energy when we need it. Like when we’re huffing and puffing our way through leg day at the gym. Of course, there are good carbs and bad. 

Sure, overnight oats had their minute in the sun but they aren’t overrated. Oatmeal is easy to make, easy to digest and it keeps you satiated and full. However, the beauty of this breakfast preparation is that you can tweak the recipe to suit you. Top your oats with some dates, honey, walnuts, almonds, and even seasonal fruits. When it comes to toppings, the world is your oatmeal. 

Banana with peanut/ almond butter

There is a reason Gru’s minions are always asking for bananas and no, it’s not because they’re the same colour. Bananas are a certified superfood. They are rich in vitamins A, B, C and E. Not to mention, minerals like potassium, zinc and iron. Eating a banana about half an hour before working out will give you a surge of energy and get rid of the sluggish exhaustion you feel midway.

To give it a small twist, you can top the banana slices with peanut or almond butter. Both these butters not only complement the fruit well but are also are a rich source of protein and carbs. Also, let’s be honest, applying peanut or almond butter on banana slices is the least time-consuming dish you can prepare. It’s apt for the days you’re running against time! 


Dahi or Greek yoghurt (which suits you better), is an excellent source of calcium and protein. It’s why our mothers forced us to eat a bowl every day. Now, it makes for a great pre-workout snack. Dahi also contains small amounts of natural sugars that give you energy and it’s easy on the stomach. Say goodbye to the nauseous feeling you get after you do 10 burpees.

Like oatmeal, you can dress up your curd the way you like. Some dry fruits, apples and honey—you have yourself the yummiest breakfast in a matter of seconds!


Eggs are a powerhouse of protein. This makes them one of the most ideal things to eat before exercising. Sure, eating the egg white alone might save you from all the fats stored in the yolk but according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating the entire egg provides more protein and helps to promote higher levels of muscle repair. They are low in calories, stuffed with protein and rich in various vitamins.

Do remember to eat your eggs an hour or two before you work out. This way your system can focus on aiding your muscles rather than digestion. 


On the days you’re convinced you won’t make through the last lap of your run, coffee is here for you. Not only does the caffeine shake our system out of its chronic sleepy state it also increases muscle endurance and makes you more focused. In fact, a study published by the University of Illinois found that caffeine consumed one hour before a 30 minute workout reduced the participants' level of perceived muscle pain.

Did we really need another excuse to drink that 4th cup though?

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