
How to tell if it’s a date or you are just hanging out

Asking your crush out needs to be done the right way. 

Jun 5, 2023

Imagine you’ve developed feelings for someone and are having regular conversations with them. You don’t know what they feel about you, but you know for sure that the two of you love spending time together. And if you aren't sure where you stand or are on different pages, then it is likely you will wonder if your meeting is a date or not. We love all things love, but at the same time, we want your feet to be on the ground so that there is no heartbreak. So, read on, and look for cues to know which way you are headed. 

Will it just be the two of you? 

If you are part of a big friend circle and your pals or colleagues tag along, it's very evidently not a date. So, it's best not to act flirtatious or make a move; just enjoy with your friends. If it’s a date, you will know, as the person will move heaven and earth to ensure that it’s just the two of you.  

What are they wearing? 

Have they made more of an effort than usual? If they haven’t, for them, you are probably hanging out. On the other hand, if they dress up, wear something fancy or expensive, put on perfume or cologne, and do their hair (better or different than the usual), it indicates they want something more than a 'chill scene'. Relationships are all about effort and it’s these small things that give out loud messages and reflect what they are thinking. 

Always pay attention to the body language

While words matter, body language plays an equally important role in giving out signs about the status of the meet. If they lean toward you or maintain physical touch or proximity to you, they are interested in you. You’ll feel their eyes on you throughout the evening; they will look at you more than they will see their phone. Another clear indicator is if they smile a lot when they’re with you. If their hands find their way onto yours, it’s a tell-tale sign that the person wants to be more than just friends with you. 

How they talk

What do you two talk about when you meet? The person you’re with should genuinely show interest in you, your life, the things you love, your pet peeves, everything! If there is absolutely no curiosity, it’s not a date. 

Flirting, teasing, and compliments

It’s certainly a date if they compliment you. But keep an eye out for what these words of praise are. If they want to date you, they’d tell you how good you look or how great you smell. Another sign, one that ranks high on the ‘How interested are they?’ list is whether they flirt with you. If you like them too, flirt back to let them know. Another subtle way to flirt is to tease the person, of course, in a manner that makes them feel good about themselves. Trust us when we say it, if done well, that’s half the battle won. 

They make plans to meet again 

The most obvious sign that it’s not a date and you guys are just hanging out is if one of you two doesn’t text back. If you had fun and want to see each other again, all it’ll take is a simple text. If they don’t, it’s best to assume that they aren’t interested in dating you, move on and find the person who is. 

How do you feel after meeting them?

How you feel after spending time with someone can help you understand if the two of you will be dating or not. If you’ll be grinning from ear to ear and having butterflies in your stomach or had a great time and felt the warm fuzzy feeling, then you’ve certainly caught feelings for this person and it’s best to let them know. 

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